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The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaign

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The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaign

Postby Wolf » Monday August 1st, 2016 9:00pm

[This topic was moved from Board index ‹ HeroQuest Rooms ‹ HeroQuest Additions ‹ Quests and Quest Packs on 10/20/16. -edit]

I had an idea for those nights you want to play Heroquest (Any form with any home rules) but you can't wrangle together any players, or maybe you want to focus on co op play and be a part of the fun instead of being the DM yet again (I know quite a few DM friends in different games who often find themselves always being the Dungeon Master who want to just play as a character sometime).

So the idea is pretty simple: I am going to make a rolling table for what happens during a dungeon and a bunch of different dungeons to play through. The idea is (since you fight Zargon and presumably (at least to me) kill him at the end of the Game System Campaign) that Zargon is now dead but the chaos hordes are still running around with their heads cut off and in chaos.

Right now I don't have ALL the maps made (all the maps will really be are greyed out areas and maybe a starting point (still figuring out how to deal with traps if I will put them in at all). And I don't have all the rolling tables just a base idea I can work on right now. So here goes the image of the Quest cover.

Right now I am also working on "Chaos' Hordes" but I can't show anything off until I can get my hands on it and figure out how much of every monster I have. Once that happens it will be a lot easier for me to work on it. Until then here goes nothing. To all the beautiful hordes of chaos
:orc: :fimir: :skeleton: :zombie: :mummy: :chaoswarrior: :gargoyle: :goblin: |_P
Last edited by Daedalus on Wednesday October 19th, 2016 5:32pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 12:03am

I decided I needed a Mentor Message so here it is:
So far I have all the maps made, just need to write the additional rules now.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 3:11am

Just finished the game. I haven't play tested it yet but plan to sometime tomorrow and will try and fix anything super broken I find. But here it goes:

Tell me what you guys think.

Fixed the link, fixed the Mentor letter, and added a simpled down Rolling Tables
Last edited by Wolf on Thursday August 4th, 2016 6:11pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Big Bene » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 3:42am

Your linked site has restricted access.

Also, at first sight:
As you used an "old parchment" style for Mentor's message, I would look for a more fitting font.
Have a look ;)

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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 4:21am

I agree and suggest Gaze.
Also, it's Congratulations.
And I think the "Heroes" should go between commas in both instances. You should also capitalize both of them for consistency with the original style.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 4:25am

Big Bene wrote:Your linked site has restricted access.

Also, at first sight:
As you used an "old parchment" style for Mentor's message, I would look for a more fitting font.

Fixed the sight and the note.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Anderas » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 7:39am

So, here a little opinion, pure taste, and quite personal:

Methinks that Zargon's death is a little bit too high a target for a single player. Why not invent the Master of Water or the Master of Darkness and make that one the target?

And here directly the edit :D
Ok you assume that Zargon is defeated befreit so this is the cleanup action. |_P

I like the general KI idea. Now I have to playtest of course.

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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 10:25am

Anderas wrote:So, here a little opinion, pure taste, and quite personal:

Methinks that Zargon's death is a little bit too high a target for a single player. Why not invent the Master of Water or the Master of Darkness and make that one the target?

And here directly the edit :D
Ok you assume that Zargon is defeated befreit so this is the cleanup action. |_P

I like the general KI idea. Now I have to playtest of course.

Yeah this is to clean up the hordes of monsters Zargon left behind after his death (whether that be after Heroquest Game System or I make a few more Campaigns before it) I like the idea of having campaigns in order of a timeline. As the next campaign has both Zargon dead and Mentor dead, having been killed by Chaos. You can see more about that in my other thread.

Tell me what you guys/gals think. I plan to play test it later tonight for myself.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Patroclus » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 2:14pm

Because the game is solo in my opinion you have two options. Focus on combat, with more interesting encounter tables (something like the tables of WHQ), or focus on exploration with a smart mechanic to try and find the exit (something like dungeon quest).

You are closer to the first option but your encounters are not very challenging. Have in mind that most rooms have two types of monsters and an advanced group needs about 3 to 5 monsters for a proper encounter.

My suggestion is something like this: Roll one combat dice, with Skull you get an encounter with one type of monster. With White Shield you get an encounter with two types of monsters. With Black Shield the room has no monsters. Then you draw one, two or no monster cards and you roll 1D3 for each type to place that number of monsters to a maximum of the minis you have (for example 1 Gargoyle even if you roll a 3). Then you place the minis at the center of the room.

Or if you don’t want to change anything, maybe it should be played with only one hero, armed with both melee and ranged weapons, so if he goes low on Body points he could try to move back and shoot with his bow. You could create a custom hero with some special skills(something like hide in shadows maybe? or fake death?), a fixed number of healing potions, a disarmed trap ability, etc.

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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 11:13pm

After play testing the game for a while it seems pretty fun. Can't find any major issues with it other than sometimes randomly getting an OP monster, but that can be changed by taking out the card for that monster.

Hope you guys like it
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