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Anderas' HQ: living rule book

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Re: Anderas' HQ: living rule book

Postby Anderas » Thursday November 25th, 2021 3:34pm

Yes they are.

I removed them from my current edition, with two exceptions. It's nicer not to need them.

If you want to order some,
The black has a white shield less and a skull more
The green has a white shield more and a skull less,
The yellow has the same average like the white, hits less often, but if it hits, it hits stronger.

The rest, forget them

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Re: Anderas' Version living rule book

Postby SaoirseIRL » Tuesday April 4th, 2023 7:48am

Anderas wrote:Monster groups finally shall give the EWP a more active role in the game:
[*]It doesn't matter in which room you meet the Orc Shaman, but it DOES matter that he is accompanied by Orcs and has Shaman Spells.
[*]Beginner's Ulag may be accompanied by a Chaos Warrior; however if veteran Warlord Ulag is hunted by a veteran hero group, he may better be accompanied by two or three Chaos Warriors, some Bowmen and relocate his staff to a bigger Room. Veteran Warlord Ulag will also not forget to place a whistleblower Goblin in front of his room to be warned if there are intruders.
[*]Some Sidequest Characters may come through the Quest entry point to hunt the Heroes. Again, this shall be a balanced thing and neither an instant-Hero-kill nor a single goblin against a fully equipped group.

So the intention is to provide you with some generic and some narrative Monster group cards that scale with the Hero Equipment and ensure that the Quest is always a close call - not too close, though! :) If you ever have to replay a quest; or the Heroes meet another Orc Warlord, you can fill the rooms with these to save some work. If you print them, can also take notes on them, adding an Fimir here, remove a goblin there, to make them better fitting.

Hello Anderas,

Could you please link me to or tell me where to find your Monster group cards please.

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