Re: Search for Treasure & Secret Doors

knightkrawler wrote:Daedalus wrote:If I understand this houserule rightly, it's possible for all treasure searches for a room to be exhaused without revealing a present secret door if a secret-door card isn't drawn.
You understand wrong. There's no secret door card(s) in this idea....
I should learn to not submit comments when I'm up too late.

JasonMCM wrote:Gold Bearer wrote:It doesn't really make sense that searching for treasure is more likely to produce a wandering monster than other searches. An alternative wold be to take all of the wandering monsters out of the treasure deck and roll a combat dice with any search, a black skull triggers a wandering monster.
...Another Idea I had was when searching you always drew a treasure card. If something bad came up, that happened. If something good came up then you searched as normal. All traps and secret doors are revealed regardless of what was drawn. This has not been tested so it may be bad towards the end of the quest if all the treasures have been removed... Maybe replace all the 'found' treasures with 'nothing' cards as they are removed from the deck so that it doesn't become super dangerous to search for traps... who knows.
I like both of these as well. Gold Bearer's is direct and consistent, while JasonMCM's makes good use of the Treasure Deck's availabilty and variety.
My own agenda seeks to introduce more game time for searches as a matter of believability/immersion. As I see it, moving 30 feet and/or mangling a monster is much quicker than searching a room. To help meet that criteria while capitalizing on this thread's content, I think I'll try drawing a Treasure Card for all searches. A negative Treasure Card's effect is applied and ends the Hero's turn for all searches, not just a bad treasure search. Unlike a treasure search, a Hero can search for a secret door or trap in the same room again on another turn. However, he wouldn't reveal it's presence or absence until a positive card was drawn. Both positive and negative Treasure Cards are shuffled back into the Treasure Cards for secret door and trap searches.
Like JasonMCM noted, a problem arises after many good Treasure Cards have been removed. I think this would serve to encourage players to wait until the end of a Quest to search for treasure after all other searches were completed. This is anti-climatic and unfun in its predictability, in my opinion.
JasonMCM, I like your suggestion to replace a drawn-and-removed, good Treasure Card with a "You found nothing" card. You've found a way to make secret door and trap searches later in a Quest no more risky and not delay treasure searches. However, you can tweak this and have the Treasure Card deck continue to become more dangerous for treasure searches, as it was designed to do. Simply add that if a "You found nothing" card is drawn for a treasure search the player draws again until a regular Treasure Card is drawn. Then shuffle the "You found nothing" card and any negative card (if drawn) back into the deck.