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Sjeng wrote:We do have a search function here
Sjeng wrote:And malc? We do have a search function hereMalcadon wrote:Trust me, that was the first thing I did. No matter how specific you can get, it buries you with a ton of unrelated topics.
Sjeng wrote:Thats how I would do it too. I think I added the rule in my expanded armoury too.
Malcadon wrote:If you want to add ammunition to the game, you'll have to figure out how the total capacity of a quiver (accounting for any special skills or items that can boost this) and times it by three. So if you (as the Evil Wizard Player) rule that the Crossbow only allows for 10 shots per Quest (not an issue, as you can reuse them in the same Quest), 15 with the Big Quiver upgrade, or x2 with the Wristband of Lorien artifact (an item I just made up for this), you'll have to make 60 Bolt Tokens (15 for two normal upgraded quivers, and 30 for the artifact upgrade). As I just noted, you'll have to recover all your lost ammo with a search action, and should you move out of sight from your ammo, they are lost for good. If you loose ammo, you'll have to buy more to refill your quiver (the cost of which is up to the EWP). In a games like D&D, you normally have to cross out the number of arrows and stones you just used, but the use of tokens make keeping track of ammo a whole lot easier.
Big Bene wrote:If you're interested in my opinion, I would use the system only to retrieve "throwing" weapons that would be lost by the original rules, i. e. daggers, axes, spears etc.
Big Bene wrote:For "shooting" weapons that use ammonition, I would strongly suggest to keep it simple and just make it a rule that a quiver holds enough ammo for one quest.
Malcadon wrote:Sjeng wrote:We do have a search function here
Trust me, that was the first thing I did. No matter how specific you can get, it buries you with a ton of unrelated topics.
Redav wrote:While I agree with keeping things simple and that a quiver would probably hold enough arrows for a single quest, I think I'd still list a limit for what a quiver holds and track their use. This would be more important for consecutive quests where it isn't possible to restock along the way.
Big Bene wrote:There also could be "special" quests where saving ammunation is part of the objective,
Big Bene wrote:You see, quest packs like KK, where quests are played consecutively, have special rules in their introduction to cover this (page 4 of the North American booklet of both KK and RWL). You could add a special rule at this place, like:
"Heroes have no opportunity to visit town and refill their ammunation between quests, so they must keep track of how many arrows or bolts they have left. Every hero that has a bow or crossbow, also carries a quiver with 20 arrows or 15 bolts, respectively. They may find more at certain locations in the quests. If you play with a rule that allows retrieving throwing weapons, you may apply this to bolts and arrows, too, but they have a chance of 1-4 on a red die to be broken."
But I would keep this a special rule to cover the consecutive nature of this quest pack, not make it an overall game rule.
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