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Redav's Rules and Clarifications - WIP

PostPosted: Sunday December 29th, 2013 5:30pm
by Redav
So, I thought I might start building a thread to cover my clarifications for the original (EU) rules and my house rules (probably based on the NA rules). Happy for others to comment, discuss etc

Clarifications on the EU Rules

Primer: I felt that the basic EU rules were okay, however much like everyone else, I know they could have been a bit more polished. This shall maintain the vanilla rules while hopefully solving points of contention

• this Line of Sight diagram relates to casting spells and missiles, not searching. Searching is not possible if they adjacent to a monster or in the same corridor or room as a monster as per written rules

(image credit: Ye Olde Inn)

• an item may only be passed between characters once per turn

• secret passages are opened when discovered

• adjacent squares share one common edge

• diagonal squares share one common vertex

• ranged squares don't share anything common

• crossbow and hand axe cannot be used against adjacent or diagonal targets

• Heroic Brew's two attacks are against the same monster

• Orcs Bane two attacks can be against the same or a second monster

Update Log
1/1/14 - Item passing (my main group wanted to pass the Spirit Blade between them while taking on The Witch Lord :lol:)
1/1/14 - Secret passages
5/1/14 - Adjacent / diagonal / ranged, crossbow and hand axe
12/1/14 - Heroic Brew, Orcs Bane
23/8/14 - Removed falling roof

Re: Redav's Rules - WIP

PostPosted: Sunday December 29th, 2013 5:35pm
by Redav
I wanted to add a little more detail while still maintaining the same simple mechanic. Mostly it's enhancements to add some depth, a little reality and to enable a few situations. Generally speaking, this is based on the EU rules, will use both EU, NA and custom cards treasure / equipment / quest treasure cards and uses NA monster statistics

Adjacent squares share one common edge
Diagonal squares share one common vertex
Ranged squares do not share anything common

Original Characters
Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf and Wizard are as per original game with the following additional limits and abilities;

    • movement range is 3 - 10 squares
    • charging number is 9
    • sweep attack two adjacent targets if equipped with a broadsword or the Spirit Blade. Second attack is with one less combat die
    • may carry two weapons and a dagger
    • movement range is 2 - 8 squares (short legs :lol:)
    • charging number is 10
    • may carry two weapons and a dagger
    • can see further than humans while searching
    • sweep attack two adjacent targets if equipped with a battle axe. Second attack is with one less combat die
    • movement range is 4 - 12 squares and may move diagonally once per turn (Elven dexterity)
    • may carry two weapons and a dagger
    • can move diagonally once per turn
    • if they haven't used their action or diagonal move, they may try and move diagonally between monsters who are diagonal from each other but is subject to a combat test - :whiteshield: = success. Failure = loss of action
    • charging number is 11
    • can see further than humans while searching
    • movement range is 3 - 10 squares
    • may carry one weapon and two daggers
    • may not charge
    • only character who may see magically hidden traps

Additional Characters
Ranger (suggested swap for Elf)
    • movement range is 3 - 10 squares
    • charging number is 10
    • 2 attack dice
    • 2 defend dice
    • 6 body points
    • 4 mind points
    • one racial enemy (Goblin, Orc or Fimir) allows an additional attack die
    • may carry two weapons and a dagger
    • starts with short bow
    • weapon and armour restrictions
Cleric (suggested swap for Elf)
    • movement range is 3 - 10 squares
    • charging number is 10
    • 2 attack dice
    • 2 defend dice
    • 5 body points
    • 5 mind points
    • combat against undead allows an additional attack die
    • may carry two weapons
    • healing and defence spells
    • a combat test to turn if attacked by undead - :whiteshield: = success. Turned undead end turn
    • bladed weapons and armour restrictions
Thief (suggested swap for Dwarf)
    • movement range is 4 - 12 squares
    • may not charge
    • 1 attack die
    • 2 defend dice
    • 5 body points
    • 5 mind points
    • may continue to move after action
    • attacking from behind inflicts one defensible body point of damage and allows an additional attack die
    • may carry one weapon and two daggers
    • automatically sees floor traps when entering a room
    • automatically sees and disarms traps when searching rooms for treasure
    • does not require toolkit for disarming traps
    • heavy weapons and armour restrictions
Unless noted otherwise, the maximum party size remains at four

Carried Items
Carried and Equipped Items
A character may only equip one single handed weapon and one shield at a time. A torch may be equipped with a shield or single handed weapon. Equipped items are placed in front of your character card. All other items are placed behind your character card. Characters may change equipped weapons once on their turn and only if they haven't used their action. Changing equipped weapons does not constitute an action. Potions do not need to be equipped to be used nor does using potions constitute an action

Passing Items Between Characters
To pass items between characters requires the characters to be adjacent or diagonal to each other. Items may only passed if they haven't used their action

If a torch is equipped, it is lit. When the holder of the lit torch has their turn, a combat test is taken - :blackshield: = torch burning down. On the third :blackshield:, the torch is extinguished and discarded

Target limited to range of weapon as identified on weapon cards. Possible combinations are;

    • adjacent
    • diagonal
    • adjacent / diagonal
    • ranged
    • 2nd rank (pike / halberd)

Additional situations;
If your movement roll is higher than your charging number, then you may roll an additional attack die as you're trying to take advantage of charging into a monster and knocking it off balance
If you are attacked while a bow is equipped, you defend with one less combat die. If you receive damage, you may choose to take one body point less but your bow breaks
If you are attacked with a torch equipped and without a weapon equipped, you defend with one less combat die. If you receive damage, your torch is destroyed
If you are attacked by a monster while a 2nd rank weapon is equipped, you defend with one less combat die

Dead Monsters;
When monsters dies, a token is left to mark the place of the body and a hero may loot it if no monsters are present.The hero moves through the square to loot it and the token is removed without penalty. A loot card is drawn to determine what is found. Undead don't carry anything unless noted otherwise and tokens that become out of sight are removed

Doors are discovered closed unless noted otherwise. Some doors may be locked and require the correct key or use the Genie spell to be opened. Some doors may be jammed and unless they are charging, require a combat test as their action to be opened - :skull: = success

Searching in a corridor;
- player announces they are searching
- they move half the number of squares that they roll (rounded up)
- they reveal both traps and secret passages as they go
- human's see one square away
- the Elf and Dwarf see two squares away
- having a torch equipped doubles a hero's searching distance
- you may search if a monster is present in the corridor but you must stop searching if you move within four squares of it

Searching in a room;
Unless a chest is present, specifically searching a room for treasure is as per original rules. To open a chest you must be adjacent to it. You may still search for treasure in a room with a chest however unless noted otherwise, you take a combat test to determine the outcome - :skull: = room empty, :whiteshield: = treasure card, :blackshield: = wandering monster

Specifically searching a room for traps and secret passages is as per original rules. A player searching in a corridor may not continue searching in a room they enter on that turn.

Unless noted otherwise, secret passages are opened when discovered and may be found on both sides of the wall

Thorough Search;
It is also possible to make a thorough search where they search for treasure, traps and secret passages at the same time. This requires a full turn by the hero so they may only do this at the start of their turn. If a treasure card is required (as per quest notes), it is placed on the hero's character card and revealed on their following turn

Spear and falling block traps are as per original rules
• removing traps is an action however a chests etc contents are revealed once the trap is removed or activated
• if a toolkit is used to remove (permanently close) a pit trap, a combat test is required - :skull: = pit stuck permanently open

Additional Traps
• projectile traps

An unrevealed monster may ambush a hero if the hero walks past a corner and the monster is placed adjacent to the hero and the hero hasn't rolled a charging roll. The ambushing monster attacks immediately and unless the hero approached the corner while searching, they defend with one less combat die. If a hero stops their movement immediately before a corner and there is an unrevealed monster diagonally around the corner, the monster may immediately move to be adjacent and ambush the hero. A heroes turn ends after being ambushed

Equipment Restrictions
Preliminary table for equipment and weapon restrictions. Original as per EU rules with x indicating a change
(Pike / Halberd may be included, long bow to be short bow)


• Goblins may also carry short bows and attack with two combat dice
• Orcs may also carry crossbows and attack with three combat dice

Party Reputation
The party starts with a reputation of 0 and it may move from -5 to 5 as a result of interactions with NPC's and quest events and outcomes. Your reputation may affect quest availability, NPC interactions and store prices. Reputation cards may be handed out as per quest notes

Between quests heroes may purchase items from stores or if available, merchants. Item availability depends on the location of the heroes. The quest notes indicate what type of store they have access to and how many store cards to draw. They are;
• town / non-trade route merchants - basic items and potions
• city / trade route merchants - expanded items, potions and spells
• none

The quest text shall note if a combat test is required to find a merchant when away from towns and cities. It shall also note how many store cards are drawn. Store cards shall include;
• items
• potions
• ammunition
• sold out

Item costs are as listed and then modified by the parties reputation as follows;
• for every level below -1, the cost is increased by 5%
• for every level above 1, the cost is decreased by 5%

Update Log
1/1/14 - Charging monsters, Ranger, Cleric, Thief characters and party size, equipment restrictions
5/1/14 - Glossary, bow breaking during combat, minor tweaks
8/1/14 - Barbarian charging, searching, doors, Thief movement
12/1/14 - Original character abilities, sweeping, traps, torch
26/1/14 - Opening chests, character movement, searching, minor tweaks
30/5/14 - Carried weapons, ambushing, torch, traps, monsters, minor tweaks
24/6/14 - Stores, Party reputation
23/8/14 - Thorough search, tweaks
24/8/14 - Killed monsters

Re: Redav's Rules and Clarifications - WIP

PostPosted: Friday January 3rd, 2014 4:44am
by Sjeng
I would also add clarification about the range of ranged weapons. i.e.: can't fire upon enemies in an adjacent or diagonal square. Only beyond those 8 surrounding squares.
Perhaps even a rule for firing over low furniture. We houserule that you can shoot over tables, with 1 less attack die penalty because the monsters lower half is behind the table, making it harder to hit.

Re: Redav's Rules and Clarifications - WIP

PostPosted: Friday January 3rd, 2014 4:58am
by Redav
Sjeng wrote:I would also add clarification about the range of ranged weapons. i.e.: can't fire upon enemies in an adjacent or diagonal square. Only beyond those 8 surrounding squares.

That's something I'll probably put in even though I've never found that to be an issue. I've always felt that the EU rules were pretty clear on this (and if anything, the NA rules muddied the water - but I need to play them more) and the issue has been peoples interpretation of what adjacent means, hence these entries;

Redav wrote:Glossary
Adjacent squares share one common edge
Diagonal squares share one common vertex

Redav wrote:Combat
Target limited to range of weapon as identified on weapon cards.

Sjeng wrote:Perhaps even a rule for firing over low furniture. We houserule that you can shoot over tables, with 1 less attack die penalty because the monsters lower half is behind the table, making it harder to hit.

I have seen you mention that in the past and I'm still thinking about that one. It's a valid point and I think it's a reasonable rule although I'm not sure how far I want to go in terms of detail. The only thought I've had about is that you'd aim for centre mass to stop an enemy and that's not something that's likely to below table height.

Re: Redav's Rules and Clarifications - WIP

PostPosted: Saturday January 4th, 2014 2:40pm
by Sjeng
Goblins would be below. And the adjacent thing is relevant because otherwise the crossbow could be used diagonally adjacent.if you get my point.

Re: Redav's Rules and Clarifications - WIP

PostPosted: Saturday January 4th, 2014 4:47pm
by Redav
Sjeng wrote:Goblins would be below.

Ah, those pesky Goblins again. Good point.
Sjeng wrote:And the adjacent thing is relevant because otherwise the crossbow could be used diagonally adjacent.if you get my point.

I do, I've had another look and I've found the offending description. I guess they felt that being diagonal from a monster gives enough distance because they can't attack you? Anyway, that's understandably contentious.