This update is for the many varied classes available in HeroQuest Prime (HQP).
For the sake of simplicity, I'll be adopting almost all of mainat's keyword chart PDF (Thrown, Reach, Two-Handed, Ranged). Referencing the Armor table from a previous post, I will be adding the keywords "light," "medium," and "heavy" to easily categorize the different armors. There is one of each - armor and shield, but helmets are medium and heavy only; there is no light helmet.
Class listing will follow this format:
Class Name, Starting Body and Mind Point values
Starting Equipment
Fluff DescriptionRestrictions
Special Ability or
Spells (if applicable)
Acrobat, 6BP/5MP
Start with dagger, no armor.
Dexterous fighters who rely on swift movement and hit-and-run tactics to survive.No medium or heavy armor. Thrown, Reach, and Ranged weapons only.
Opportunistic: Acrobat can split a movement phase with an action.
Assassin, 5BP/4MP
Start with dagger, no armor.
Assassins are stealthy fighters with a nose for traps.
No heavy armor. No two handed weapons.
Trap Knack: Assassins can Disarm traps without a Toolkit.
Bard, 5BP/5MP
Start with short sword, no armor.
Casters who focus on manipulation, persuasion, and inspiration. They are also capable melee combatants. Bard spells are called Songs.
No heavy armor. One handed weapons up to 3 AD only. 6 Bard Songs. May choose 3 before a Quest.
Song of Charming: This song makes one monster believe it is your ally. On Zargon’s turn, it will attack the closest monster it can see. The attacked monster may defend as normal. The charmed monster can ignore the spell at once or on a future turn if it rolls a 5 or 6 on one red die. The spell is broken when there are no more monsters it can attack.
Song of Speed: This song may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. Add one red die to the Hero’s next movement.
Song of Presence: This song makes it difficult for one monster you can see to attack one selected Hero, including yourself. That monster attacks with one less combat die when attacking that Hero.
May not be used against undead.Song of Resistance: This song may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. Add one extra defend die to a Hero’s next defense.
Song of Healing: This song may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. Hearing this soothing tune will immediately restore up to 4 lost Body Points, but does not give a Hero more than his starting number.
Song of Lulling: This song fills one monster with oppressive boredom, so it loses its next turn. The bored monster can ignore the spell at once if it rolls a 5 or 6 on one red die.
Druid, 4BP/7MP
Start with dagger, no armor.
Casters who use the power of nature to aid them.
No medium or heavy armor. One handed weapons up to 2 AD only. 3 Plant Spells and 3 Animal Spells. May choose 3 before a Quest.
Druid Spells (taken from the scattergamed link from before and from Ethica's spells... and slightly reworded)
Animal SpellsLion’s Roar: All monsters in the same room as you are frightened and will move away from you to the full extent of their movement on their next turn.
May not be used against undead.
Phantom Beast: This spell summons an ephemeral animal spirit adjacent to a monster. The beast immediately attacks with a number of combat dice equal to your Mind Points.
Spirit of the Forest: This spell summons a great spirit stag, who attacks once with 8 Attack Dice and then disappears. The result can be divided between multiple monsters in the room.
May not be used in corridors.Plant SpellsReviving Herbs: One Hero is immediately healed for up to 3 Body Points, but not more than his starting number. If the Hero is dead, this spell revives him with 2 Body Points.
Poison Thorns: This spell may be cast on any one monster, causing it to be attacked by poisonous thorns, which inflict 3 Body Points of damage. The monster rolls one combat die for each of its Mind Points. For every Black Shield rolled, damage is reduced by one point.
Bark Skin: This spell can be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. The Hero’s armor turns to bark and absorbs all 1 Body Point of damage attacks. This spell is broken when the Hero takes two or more Body Points of damage.
Duelist, 6BP/4MP
Start with short sword, no armor.
A quick-witted swordsman with reflexes to match.No heavy armor.
Riposte: If you get hit with an attack of two or more skulls rolled (before you defend), you get a free attack against the attacker with 1 combat die. The enemy defends as normal.
Elementalist, 4BP/8MP (some parts taken from Phoenix’s Imperial Academy (though some of the descriptions on the cards are cut off. How can I find out what they say? And some have typos, will need to be corrected.))
Start with dagger, no armor.
A spellcaster whose focus on the natural elements gives a unique advantage.
No medium or heavy armor. No reach, two handed, or ranged weapons. Only weapons up to 2 AD.
Elemental Specialization: Choose one element to specialize in. Gain 9 spells from that group.
Specialty Spells
Air: Swift Wind, Tempest, Djinn, Net, Soothing Breeze, Disarm, Silence, Air Bubble, Hurricane
Fire: Ball of Flame, Fire of Wrath, Bravery, Blood Burn, Explosion, Fire Lance, Resist Fire, Fire Sheath, Trebuchet
Earth: Pass Through Rock, Rock Skin, Mineral Earth, Molten Ground, Scry, Earth Shield, Stones, Stone Gate, Stonewalk
Water: Sleep, Water of Healing, Toxic Vapors, Heavy Water, Thunderstorm, Circle of Power, Water of Healing, Osmosis, Purification
Hunter, 7BP/5MP
Start with Short sword, no armor.
A fearsome tracker whose greatest goal is the complete eradication of his chosen enemy.None.
Favored Enemy: Pick one monster type. Against that type, you can roll 1 extra combat die to attack and defend.
Knight, 8BP/5MP
Start with short sword, buckler, leather armor.
Knights are the classic armor-clad protectors of those who cannot protect themselves.No Ranged weapons.
Selfless Shield: On another Hero’s turn, you can choose to switch places with one adjacent Hero and take the damage your ally would otherwise have taken.
Monk, 6BP/6MP
Start with no weapon, no armor.
Hand-to-hand brawlers who can effectively use their fists and feet as deadly weapons.No heavy armor. No two handed weapons.
Flurry of Blows: If you are unarmed and wearing light or no armor, you can make an attack with 4 combat dice at more than one adjacent enemy and split the result between the enemies. If you are armed or wearing medium armor, you lose this ability.
Paladin, 7BP/5MP
Start with short sword, buckler.
Chivalrous fighters who are willing to get into the thick of battle.None.
Valorous Defense: You defend from attacks with Skulls instead of White Shields.
Ranger, 6BP/5MP
Start with short bow, no armor.
Unmatched long range assailants, Rangers prefer sniping their foes from afar.No heavy armor.
Archer: Your range with all bows is doubled.
Sorcerer, 4BP/8MP
Start with dagger, no armor.
Manipulating magical energy beyond its norm is the Sorcerer’s forte.No medium or heavy armor. No Ranged, Reach, or Two Handed weapons.
Astral Understanding: Choose three of the 4 base spell groups. After you cast a spell, roll 1d6 and if you roll at or below the current number of unused cards in that spell group, you can keep and recast the spell you just used instead of discarding it.
Thief, 6BP/4MP
Start with dagger, no armor.
As stealthy as they come, and just as greedy.No medium or heavy armor.
Theft: As your action, you can attempt to steal 1d6x10 gold coins from a monster. If you roll a skull on 1 combat die, you successfully steal the gold. If you roll a White Shield, you are unsuccessful, and rolling a Black Shield means the monster notices your attempt and gets a free immediate attack on you. You defend as normal.
Warlord, 6BP/5MP
Start with short sword, no armor.
Warlords are masters of the battlefield, and view battle as a deadlier version of chess.None.
Tactical Maneuvering: When you attack an adjacent monster, you can switch places with it if you roll at least 1 Skull, regardless of whether it defends or not.
Warrior, 8BP/4MP
Start with broad sword, no armor.
Warriors are notorious for rushing into battle and returning victorious.None.
Weapon Master: At the beginning of a quest, choose one weapon. You can deal one extra attack die with this weapon. If the weapon becomes damaged, you lose this ability.
I still need to do some deeper research into those Elementalist spells and make sure a) they are spelled correctly, b) figure out what the cut-off sections actually say, and c) none of the text mentions anything specifically from IA that I am not including, otherwise I'll have to change it.