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[Quest Pack] [7 Quests] - The Spawn of Chaos

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Re: [Quest Pack] [7 Quests] The Spawn of Chaos

Postby The Admiral » Tuesday May 15th, 2018 1:28pm

Yes, but my brother won't know when Sigvald will return. So it'll be 'Royal Bodyguard' next for Deiter, and then 'Shadow of Chaos'.

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Re: [Quest Pack] [7 Quests] The Spawn of Chaos

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday May 16th, 2018 11:15am

The Admiral wrote:Yes, but my brother won't know when Sigvald will return. So it'll be 'Royal Bodyguard' next for Deiter, and then 'Shadow of Chaos'.

Is that the German name Deiter? If it is, it's spelled "Dieter". There'S no alternative. If it isn't a Fantasy name, of course.
But I guess it's set in the Warhammer Old World... they use mostly German spellings for German words and names. Just a tip.
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Re: [Quest Pack] [7 Quests] The Spawn of Chaos

Postby The Admiral » Wednesday May 16th, 2018 12:48pm

knightkrawler wrote:
The Admiral wrote:Yes, but my brother won't know when Sigvald will return. So it'll be 'Royal Bodyguard' next for Deiter, and then 'Shadow of Chaos'.

Is that the German name Deiter? If it is, it's spelled "Dieter". There'S no alternative. If it isn't a Fantasy name, of course.
But I guess it's set in the Warhammer Old World... they use mostly German spellings for German words and names. Just a tip.

Yeah, sort of, but it's his name now. Perhaps his drunken father misspelt his birth certificate, if they have such things in Germany?

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Re: [Quest Pack] [7 Quests] The Spawn of Chaos

Postby TMU » Wednesday May 16th, 2018 1:01pm

The Admiral wrote:Yeah, sort of, but it's his name now. Perhaps his drunken father misspelt his birth certificate, if they have such things in Germany?

Atleast the drunk part is true.
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Re: [Quest Pack] [7 Quests] The Spawn of Chaos

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday May 16th, 2018 1:19pm

The Admiral wrote:
knightkrawler wrote:
The Admiral wrote:Yes, but my brother won't know when Sigvald will return. So it'll be 'Royal Bodyguard' next for Deiter, and then 'Shadow of Chaos'.

Is that the German name Deiter? If it is, it's spelled "Dieter". There'S no alternative. If it isn't a Fantasy name, of course.
But I guess it's set in the Warhammer Old World... they use mostly German spellings for German words and names. Just a tip.

Yeah, sort of, but it's his name now. Perhaps his drunken father misspelt his birth certificate, if they have such things in Germany?

Fair enough. |_P
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Re: [Quest Pack] [7 Quests] The Spawn of Chaos

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday May 16th, 2018 2:07pm

Tott wrote:. . . As a difficulty level, I haven't play tested this. characters will definitely have needed to have completed the core set and probably KK and WK as well.

comments and criticism welcome, hope you like!


Tott wrote:. . . hmm, I think story-wise it could fit in at any point after witch lord and kelllars keep - but ideally after wizards of morcar and ogre horde. sigvald has been a busy bee, but he got away with most of his activities largely undetected because morcar and mentor have been too pre-occupied with each other...

From the second quote I gather WK = RotWL. I added in the errata to the OP as well as a materials list to help out downloaders. For figures needed, sometimes there is a range. I count not only the maximum of a monster type in a room or corridor, but also that number plus the same monster type in an adjacent room or corridor.

The Admiral wrote:Just started a solo play test of this with my Heroes. I Will probably play it with my brother in Oct/Nov.

The first quests are not overly difficult with 20+ monsters each, so I've been playing with just two Heroes. . . . Quest 4 was a step up though. Same numbers of monsters but almost half are Chaos warriors, backed up by quite a few Fimirs, . . .

I think NA players will find Quest 4 very challenging using multiple Body Points for monsters. I figure Heroes will likely resort to door-guard tactics.

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Re: [Quest Pack] [7 Quests] The Spawn of Chaos

Postby The Admiral » Wednesday May 16th, 2018 3:24pm

Daedalus wrote:
The Admiral wrote:Just started a solo play test of this with my Heroes. I Will probably play it with my brother in Oct/Nov.

The first quests are not overly difficult with 20+ monsters each, so I've been playing with just two Heroes. . . . Quest 4 was a step up though. Same numbers of monsters but almost half are Chaos warriors, backed up by quite a few Fimirs, . . .

I think NA players will find Quest 4 very challenging using multiple Body Points for monsters. I figure Heroes will likely resort to door-guard tactics.

Yes. I played it with NA rules, and only had two Heroes, but they did have 4 henchmen (1 of each type). I used the henchmen very aggressively. So Deiter would open the door and discharge his pistol, and then the henchmen would pile in, followed by a sneaky shot from Lidda. It worked well, as 6 attacks was usually enough to take out everything, or just leave 1 monster, which would get mopped up next turn. I play EW cards, so door hanging is not a preferred option unless totally necessary. With just 4 Heroes there will probably only be 3 effective attacks most turns, so that would be more difficult, although they will be more resilient. Henchmen are quite brittle, although I think I only lost the swordsman.

Grin's Stone Map Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Smashed a massive Gargoyle!
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Re: [Quest Pack] [7 Quests] - The Spawn of Chaos

Postby The Admiral » Friday May 10th, 2019 1:42pm

This has been on the back burner for quite some time now. So many quests and too little time. I have given it a major monster overhaul. I love the 'Sigvald the Magnificent' character; so much so that I bought a very spiffy figure of him of ebay a while back. I wanted him, as a Champion of Slaanesh, to have a proper chaos horde. Quests 2 and 3 remain as Greenskins and Undead respectively, but in all the other quests I have made the following conversions:

Goblins = Cult Hounds. Same stats. I have just ordered six Pathfinder Chaos hounds.

Orcs = Cultists. Mv 8, Att 5, Def 1, Bdy 1, Mnd 2. I bought some Flagellants off ebay, and touched them up with some pink and purple trim. They are considered to be permanently berserk (+1 att/-1 def built into stats), and must therefore always move and attack the nearest Hero if possible.

Fimir = Beastman. Mv 8, Att 3, Def 3, Bdy 2, Mnd 2. Battlemasters Beastmen with similar stats to a Fimir.

Chaos Warrior = Daemonette. Mv 9, Att 2/2, Def 3, Bdy 3, Mnd 3. They may make two attacks and have razor sharp claws which reduce the defenders dice by one. Again I got some nice painted Figures off ebay.

Gargoyle = Daemonette Alluress. Mv 9, Att 3/3, Def 4, Bdy 4, Mnd 4. Same rules as Daemonettes.

I also bought an old school metal Slaanesh Chaos Sorcerer painted to a high standard for use in Quest 1.

Finally I bought a pre painted Fiend of Slaanesh as Sigvald's 'pet' in 'The Arena'. Mv 7, Att 4/4/4, Def 4, Bdy 6, Mnd 4. It may make two attacks with its razor sharp claws, and one diagonal attack with its tail.

Grin's Stone Map Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Smashed a massive Gargoyle!
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Sigvald the Magnificent's Horde of Slaanesh

Postby The Admiral » Friday May 17th, 2019 4:36am

Here's my assembled team Slaanesh. Any nicely painted models (Sigvald, Sorcerer, Fiend, Banner) are not by me!
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Grin's Stone Map Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Smashed a massive Gargoyle!
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Re: [Quest Pack] [7 Quests] - The Spawn of Chaos

Postby The Admiral » Thursday February 13th, 2020 4:23am

Off to my brother's next week and we will be playing this. This wasn't my original plan, but I currently have no ability to print anything off and this is the only quest that had my notes already printed off.

Slight change to the pack with the addition of the 'Stronghold of Orcs' quest from 'Chaos Unleashed'. This will be played between Q4 and Q5 and is renamed 'Stronghold of Chaos'. The storyline will change slightly, so that the end of Q4 event now occurs at the end of this quest as the Heroes leave the fortress. This quest will introduce a Cleric character (Dasmius) who is mentioned in the intro to that quest. So the first four quests will be played by the following characters:
1) Deiter (Imperial Noble) - Runesword, Chaotic Sword, Dagger, Pistol, Chainmail, Helmet, Boots of Lightfoot, Magic Horn, Talisman of Lore, Healing Potion x 3 (1-6, 4, 4). Dueling Skill.
2) Vorishilov the Vanquisher (Wizard) - Wizard's Staff, Tempest Sword, Magic Throwing Dagger, Light Throwing Axe x 4, Wizard's Cloak, Healing Potion x 2 (both 4), Scrolls of Courage and Heal Body, Wand of Magic and Spell Ring.
3) Special Henchman William McBride (Ranger) - Longsword, Longbow, Leather armour, Tool Kit, Potions of Defence and Healing x 2 (1-6, 4).

Dasmius (Cleric) joins Q5 - Bdy 6, Mnd 4, Shortsword, 6 Light Spells, Holy Water (replenishable after every quest if used), Turn 1 Undead Skill.

The only henchmen available for hire will be 4 Peasants in the Stronghold quest. Up to 4 free Peasants, down a BP, can also be found in 'The Prison' quest at locations D. Peasant = Mv 7, Att 2d (Pitchfork), Def 2, Bdy 2. Mnd 2, Cost 50.

I thought three Heroes with no henchmen enough for the first four quests as they are are not overly difficult. Dasmius, and some weak henchmen, will beef up the team for the second half of the quest when things get tougher.

Grin's Stone Map Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Smashed a massive Gargoyle!
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