by Bareheaded Warrior » Saturday November 5th, 2022 12:59pm
Feedback is always appreciated, I would rather have negative feedback, than no feedback at all, and as yours is positive and constructive then it is doubly appreciated!
You are correct about the solid rock space not being filled in, I missed that, will be corrected in the next version that I’ll issue early next week following tomorrow’s playtesting
You are correct about the effects of Potion of Healing not specified, but this wasn't an omission on my part, it was an example of me being obstinate. I have a principle that I try to apply in my HeroQuest Gold House Rules that the standard for everything is defined within the rulebook (or in the case of things like Potions in the associated scrolls) so that Quest Creators don't have to add rules and item properties where they are standard, only where they decide to add 'special exceptions' to rules and items that apply to that Quest (or Quest Book) only, so under HeroQuest Gold rules this would be a standard Healing Potion that restores up to D6 lost Body Points
I hoped that this Quest and any other Quests could be played under any ruleset UK 1st/2nd Editions, US 1st/2nd Editions, HeroQuest Gold Edition and hopefully, eventually the Inn's HeroQuest Living Rulebook Edition, but my use of the US 1st Edition iconography combined with the de-warhammerification (that phrase is never going to catch on) i.e., changing Empire to Realm, is because that is my personal preference for my HeroQuest Gold Edition.
I am planning that whatever standard is agreed in terms of iconography use, rule version, principle of de-warhammerification and similar for the HeroQuest Living Rulebook Project I will then retrospectively apply to this and other Quests.
And indeed, I am planning on redoing my HeroQuest Gold stuff to align with that project also, once it is suitably matured, by cutting my own house rules back so that they only consist of the differences between the new standard established by HQLRB and what my gaming group plays, where I feel they are worth keeping, listed in a modular fashion (same modular system as the HQLRB project generates).
Conscious decision not to include any Mummies or Fimir (or Trolls or Abominations) in this Quest, partly to keep it easier, partly so that some novelty is kept back for the next Quests, but you are right about the multiple Orcs and my intention to make Goblins the first Monsters faced by each Hero, I’ll take another look at that in light of your suggestions, perhaps Orcs replacing Goblins in the corridor, and 2 Goblins replacing the first Orc faced on the Barbarian’s path.
I originally did have the Reaper as invulnerable to anything other than the magic sword (which I had as a mini-Spirit Blade – short sword +1AD to Undead) and had it located in the chest, but changed it all around because I wanted to use the central room, to give more space for the final combat, and then lost my secret door link to the stairway!
Again, I will revisit that decision, as your feedback has reminded me of how the original idea inspired me in the first place, before playtesting tomorrow evening and see how it is received before I republish.
Muchos gracias

= white skull, one "hit"

= black skull, one "hit"

= shield, cancels out one "hit"
HQ Editions: 1989 Classic Edition (First Edition [FE] and Second Edition [SE]), 1990 NA Remake [NA], 2021 Reprint [21]
HQ Golden Rules Rule Fixes based on the Classic edition.
HQ Common Notification System to identify squares on the board