I dunno right now.
Does this occur with all symbols or only with special ones? If only with special ones, which ones?
Have a look in the "HQ" folder on your C: drive. It should look something like this:

You may also check the macros. Open:
Word Menu bar -> Tools -> Macro -> Macros
You now see a list of the Macros in the document, which should look like this:

You can take one step further and click the "edit" button to see the program code of the macros. It should look like this:

There's a variable called "Pfad" (German for "path") in every macro, which specifies the place where the graphic is stored on your harddisc. It should read "C:\HQ\USA\PitTrapU_US.wmf" or the like ("PitTrapU_US.wmf" is the file name, wich naturally differs).
Thanks for your interest and keep me informed