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[Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

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Re: [Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

Postby Big Bene » Tuesday March 8th, 2011 4:10am

Jaguar69 wrote:So am, I right in thinking that this word program is better and more complete than using Heroscribe, currently anyway?

Personally, I think so... :roll:
But of course, I made it the way I liked it, that doesn't mean other people have to have the same priorities.
Have a look ;)

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Re: [Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

Postby Big Bene » Tuesday March 8th, 2011 4:13am

drathe wrote:I just double-checked. It definitely works in Word 2007. It creates a custom toolbar within the Add-Ins ribbon. All the icons and menus appear and you can populate the map with them. Meaning it will probably work on 2010 as well, but I'm unable to confirm that.

It didn't work with 2010 when I tested it, but perhaps this was caused by some other problem/mistake.
Have a look ;)

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Re: [Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

Postby SonandDad » Thursday July 7th, 2011 4:29pm

Have followed instruction within the thread, Opened HQzip to C: drive etc.
Lowered Macro security to medium and allow macros when prompted.

Every time I try to use any map symble from the custom HQ tool bar I get:

"Runtime Error 5152

This is not a valid file name "

with options to end or debug

Not much of a techno phobe so stuck. HELP :oops:

I have word 2003 installed and see that it should work OK on this
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Re: [Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

Postby Big Bene » Friday July 8th, 2011 6:35am

I dunno right now.

Does this occur with all symbols or only with special ones? If only with special ones, which ones?

Have a look in the "HQ" folder on your C: drive. It should look something like this:

You may also check the macros. Open:
Word Menu bar -> Tools -> Macro -> Macros
You now see a list of the Macros in the document, which should look like this:

You can take one step further and click the "edit" button to see the program code of the macros. It should look like this:
There's a variable called "Pfad" (German for "path") in every macro, which specifies the place where the graphic is stored on your harddisc. It should read "C:\HQ\USA\PitTrapU_US.wmf" or the like ("PitTrapU_US.wmf" is the file name, wich naturally differs).

Thanks for your interest and keep me informed
Have a look ;)

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Re: [Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

Postby Big Bene » Friday July 8th, 2011 6:39am


Also try setting the macro security to "low", and allwo macros without prompt. You can always set these back to a more secure level afert working with QuestBook.
Have a look ;)

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Re: [Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

Postby Big Bene » Friday July 8th, 2011 7:35am

Just testing...
In the version I have here at work (don't know anymore if this is the latest) I find the following errors:
Same problem as you with Clip Art -> Decorative -> "Heroquest Logo 2" and "annoying pattern", as well as with
Categories -> Traps -> Inidana stone -> undetectable (all three symbols)
Tiles -> Roomes -> frozen crypt room
Tiles -> Stairs one square
Don't know why, will fix this, but these are not essential for quest making.

I also found, that the graphics of Clip Art -> Functional -> Intro Frame (both Euro and US) as well as the gargoyle are depicted too small. Will fix this, too, but you also can easily "pull" them to the right size in Word.

Macro not found for Traps -> Indiana stone -> Clearly visible -> Star burst

Object undefined (mistyped variable type in the code)for: Traps -> stalactite unmarked and Tiles -> Cliff corridor.
Markings -> letters -> Game Sytem -> B is depicted as "A"

This looks much, but it is really a very small section of the symblos that are in QuestBook.doc. Will try to fix as soon as possible.
This proves again how important feedback form users is.

Thank you very much!
Have a look ;)

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Re: [Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

Postby Big Bene » Friday July 8th, 2011 9:59am

OK, I fixed the things I found (as discribed in my last post). Uploading just now.

Please test if it works now for you.
Have a look ;)

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Update 7 8 2011

Postby Big Bene » Friday July 8th, 2011 10:01am

Hello all!

Big update today!

When you read the last few post, you will find there were some errors, which I fixed now.

Best wishes and have fun!
Have a look ;)

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Re: [Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

Postby SonandDad » Monday July 18th, 2011 2:29pm

Big Bene wrote:Does this occur with all symbols or only with special ones? If only with special ones, which ones?

this occurs with any and all symbols.

Have a look in the "HQ" folder on your C: drive. It should look something like this:

This is a screen shot of the open folder

Screen shot.doc
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Re: [Tool] Custom Quest Template for Word

Postby Big Bene » Monday July 18th, 2011 4:41pm

OK, I see.

On your screenhot, in the menu bar at the left of the folder window, there's a header "folder Tasks" with one entry "extract all files". This indicates that you yet didn't extract the folder. It's still a zip archive, which Word can't read. To unzip (="extract" = "unpack") it, you may just use the said symbol "extract all files". Double click it and follow the instructions on screen.

This is why I wrote:
"You also need to unpack the folder HQ (now in HQ.zip) to the C:\ drive (root dirctory)".
Sorry if this was unclear. Myself, I'm somewhat of what you called a computer geek, and perhaps sometimes I don't realize which pieces of computer language are common knowledge and which are not.
Thank you anyway, your critics led me to discover and get rid of quite some errors. If you intend to use it, I would recommend to download the new version.
Have a look ;)

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