by cynthialee » Thursday August 13th, 2015 2:17pm
My Gargoyle is a dude you DO NOT want to run into:
Body 5 Mind N/A Move 6
Attack 5
Defend 5 (Defends on all shields. This right here makes them extremely difficult monsters that can easily kill a silly hero who tries to solo the beast.)
Special Powers for some more powerful versions:
Able to deny the casting of Earth Spells in LOS with out an action.
Able to paralyze a hero with a gaze attack so long as the gargoyle does not move or take any other action.
Regenerate 1 Body Point per turn when in contact with any type of stone. (Which is always in a dungeon. Heroes must smash the bits of the gargoyle after it is defeated to truly eliminated the beast.)
Walk through stone at will. May remain in stone.
Meld with stonework.
Gargoyles are great 'soften them up' monsters that can often destroy a party with ease. It requires every hero at the battle to defeat them.
However I do limit them to a set area. They are not allowed to leave their post and will never pursue heroes. To bad for my players they haven't figured this part out. They see a gargoyle, they curse and mutter and just set to the grizzly task at hand.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
~Sun Tsu The art of War~