Small update:
The Ranger power is slightly upgraded. Not only wandering monsters lose the attack, but
the Ranger will position them in the same room or part of corridor. This to represent better the fact that he is able to track them. Elf and Ranger will have a reworked version of the Elven Bow, not ablt to one-shot enemies anymore, but more durable:
Nemesis Bow:
Elf and Ranger only. This is a normal bow that allows to attack with two dice distant, visible, nonadjacent targets. Nonetheless, once per Quest, the bearer can declare to launch an
Arrow of Death. The arrow will strike with 4 dice of damage that is not possible defend against "
Note: I am considering to give the bow either dice number 5 for the arrow, and/or to not require line of sight for the Arrow of Death only.
The Monk will gain
Monk's Vestment, sort like the Wizard equipment. This will increase his chance of defending from an attack, negating all the skulls, from 55% to 70%. Assuming 7 chapters of game (base to frozen horror) this should be available from episode 4 (generally the Ogre Horde). Further Playtest could allow a fourth dice (80% of success) for chapters 6 and 7 (reworked elf and barbarian quest) but so far is not in schedule.
Mercenaries for the Marshall. They are divided in Soldaten (normal) and Doppelsöldnern (double paid, more awesome), The Marshall will start with one of the Soldaten, but he will be able to buy a
Bribe and a
Contact With the Lord from the Armory, indestructible equipments that allow to hire one Soldat more, and to have one of the Soldaten substituted with a Doppelsöldner, respectively. Finally, an artifact can be found, the
Lost Family Tree, which demonstrates that the Marshall is really from aristocracy and smells good even when covered with Goblin blood, so can hire two Doppelsöldnern. The Marshall will not have the abilty to wield two handed weapons, so no ranged attacks or battle axe for you, mein Leiter.
The mercenaries will join the Marshall at the beginning of the quest, count as Heroes for any purpose, and are
just re-hired if they die for the glory of the Emperor. No gold is consumed, this is a Marshall ability.
I am working to a
martial maneuver card system, but it's just scratches and the sheer playtest needed to balance it scares me. But in case,
just in case, the Marshall would be able to have the Mercenaries use these maneuvers as orders,
because the Emperor says so.
Here the fellows: Movement, Attack (ranged), Defense, Body, Mind. Firearms are one/quest, Pistolier and Arquebusier are de facto assault troops.
You cannot hire copies, so 1 duelist and one scout is ok, two crossbowmen not.
Bowman 7 1(2) 3 2 2 Ranged attack 2
Duelist 9 2 3 2 2 None
Halberdier 6 3 3 2 2 Diagonal Attack
Pikeman 8 2 3 2 2 Diagonal Attack
Pistoler 7 2 3 2 2 Ranged attack 2 no save allowed 1/quest
Crossbowman 6 1(3) 3 2 2 Ranged attack 3
Scout 9 2 3 2 2 Trapfinding
Arquebuiser 6 3 3 2 2 Ranged attack 4 no save 1/quest
Greatsword 5 4 5 2 2 None
Currassier 4 2 3 2 2 Diehard (one shield saves all).
For the balance, remember that they have 2 Body Points only
New updates will come, I will try to draft the armory ASAP. Let me know what you think please!