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Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Monday January 24th, 2022 5:00pm
by Kurgan
Yeah my above correction to the overlap text is visible in the original image in your archive. Compare my mock up to yours and you should see it when viewing the image itself for the "goblin" card. It's present in the "remake style" parchment version. I had to adjust parts of the background to make it visible again.

parchment 578 Goblin Marauders ewp reinforcements.png

Feedback is great, I love it. I make so many tiny mistakes that I miss until someone looks at it (better to catch them now than at the printers).

My above adjustments of the cardback border are based on the makeplayingcards viewer, so it's not a universal thing, just looks a little better with that border in their system.

Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Tuesday January 25th, 2022 3:45am
by Anderas
So that works now with the parchment style symbols

Can't say that I like their style. When have I become so conservative?


Later I'll recompile the entire stack

Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Tuesday January 25th, 2022 12:40pm
by Kurgan
Looks cool, but in the artwork above those look more like goblins to me.

Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Wednesday January 26th, 2022 8:46am
by Spookyhappyfun
Anderas wrote:Ok, here the new download.

* EU style, EU size, print format
* EU style, zombicide size, print-format, with the colored card border in the way I use it.

* US style, US size, print format
* US style, Poker size, print format

* parchment style, poker size (that's the original size of the hasbro cards), print format

A single card back for all of them - Because I don't use the EU-style white border around the card, one single format for the back side is enough

"print format" means 300 dpi, png graphic, plus 3mm bleed border all around like the professional printers like it. If you want to print on your home printer, just cut that away.

Google drive download link

have fun!

There is just one card yet to come, which is "Scary Mary" of Marcus; depicting a female Orc.

Thank you so much for putting all these up and making them available in all three formats! This is awesome!

Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Sunday January 30th, 2022 8:26am
by Anderas
Scary Mary has made it to the Evil Wizard Deck.

Card Idea: Marcus Timm
Image: CC-BY Alberto Macari, the_maal_

Downloadable under the same link like before.
And no, I think I did not change all the symbols for the parchment style.

Google Drive Download Link


Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Sunday January 30th, 2022 10:39am
by Kurgan
Well done!

Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Thursday February 10th, 2022 5:15pm
by Stig
jfv00 wrote:
Stig wrote:Hey, thanks for that. I'll go and correct those. I imagine it's frustrating to not have a perfect set!

Yeah, especially if you want to print them with a professional printing service.

I have finished the check, and found these last errors:
- 152: "ignore the *** showing" is missing an icon.
- 175: die icon at bottom of card to remove
- 183: missing number of dice to roll

About Card 39, it is not online, maybe something went wrong.

Thanks SO much for checking through - I've now made the amendments. I also found the missing number 39 too, it's "Reanimation" (two cards were assigned number 183, don't know how that happened).

See attached for corrected versions

Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Thursday February 10th, 2022 5:19pm
by Stig
Here's the other one:

Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Sunday February 13th, 2022 5:50am
by jfv00
Stig wrote:Here's the other one:

Hello Stig,

Thank you very much, I have downloaded all the updated cards.
I also went back to postimg, folllowing your file posted on facebook, and found this new card "Shrine" that also number 39 for some reason. Could you let us know the correct number?

Also, the link to the Skills ( ) gives a 404 missing error. Have you moved the files?

Thank you,

Re: Evil Wizard Deck

PostPosted: Friday March 18th, 2022 7:44pm
by burglekutt
Me and others have always wondered at what point could Our Heroes do some hand-to-hand fighting and I was thinking what if you had a "disarm" card the evil wizard could play anytime one his minions was attacking that would disarm a hero for one round.

Of course hero should also have a disarm card available to them as well. A role would be necessary for either to succeed when playing the card.