So drathe and I have been brainstorming a new Wizard's artifact for doubling spells. It came about from drathe's homebrew rule that Wizards can have all spell groups x2 (while the Elf can still pick one of the four elemental groups or the elf group) and I wanted a Wizard-only artifact that would increase his body points and defense dice (a little like the Amulet of the North from the BQP or the Elven Bracers from the EQP). Here's what we have so far, Karlen's Circlet and 7 gems which double spells.
I came up with circlet name and some of the gem names, but drathe did all the images, card layouts, and a lot of the wording. I'm really, really happy with how this turned out. ... t-gems.pdfI'd still like to come up with some gems that add body or mind points (like the barbarian's and elf's specific treasures), and maybe something to increase defense dice. But that's easily done by creating another Wizard-only equipment or artifact. Perhaps modifying the EU exclusive bracers to be Wizard-only. Since we have two other settings to play with, we could make one an Amethyst of Health and another could be a Peridot of Intelligence, maybe.
As for when to find this artifact, I was thinking the circlet could be found in quest 7, "The Lost Wizard." The Ruby of Fire best goes in quest 8, "The Fire Mage." The other three aren't so obvious. I was thinking the Amber of Earth could be a special treasure in quest 9, "Race Against Time," where you're stuck underground trying to find your way out. The Pearl of Air could go in quest 10, "Castle of Mystery," since you're basically teleported everywhere (like a tornado, maybe). The Sapphire of Water is the hardest because there aren't a lot of quests that deal with water. Of the last four, "Bastion of Chaos" seems the most likely. You pick up the Wizard's Staff in quest 12 and the Spirit Blade in quest 13 and you fight the Witch Lord in quest 14. And even though quest 11 doesn't have to do with water, maybe the marauding orcs and goblins stole the Sapphire. Anyhoo, I think that's where I'll put mine.
We haven't come up with places to put the Wizard Spell gems yet either. Obviously in the Wizards of Morcar/Zargon quest book, just not sure which specific quest yet. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated.