Well, I've finally made a tiny change that's been nagging me a bit. Zenithfleet remade the US chaos spells from the base game into EU versions, which are great (I use them as well). Like me, he changed the name of certain cards because there were spells with the same name in other expansions (WoM, AtOH). He renamed the Fear card from the US base game chaos spells to Terror (which I would have done as well!). But then I read the contents of the original spells:
WoM Necromancer Fear spell:The target of this spell is
with unreasonable terror, and
may not attack or cast spells on
his next turn, although he may
move and defend normally.
Discard after use.
US base game Chaos spell Terror:This spell causes any one Hero
to become
so fearful that his
attacks are reduced to one
combat die... (etc.)
So I though, the WoM card talks about terror, and the US card says "fearful". It seemed more logical to me to rename the WoM card Terror, and keep the US chaos spell as Fear, not the other way around. I'm nitpicking, I know, but I remade them anyway
I also reworded the US card a bit, so it was more true to the original US text than Zenithfleets remake.
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