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Did they sell stickers/character sheets seperately?

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Did they sell stickers/character sheets seperately?

Postby mo123813 » Friday June 11th, 2010 9:58pm

I'm curious; did they ever sell separate character sheets/stickers, or did you have to continue to but the adventure design booklet? I know my older friend said he had to photocopy the quest sheet.
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Re: Did they sell stickers/character sheets seperately?

Postby drathe » Saturday June 12th, 2010 12:23am

No separate packs that I'm aware of. I guess they would have to purchase another design kit if they really wanted to make quests that way. Before the ease of computers, I just made maps on graph paper, drew little furniture icons and wrote the letter of the monster that would appear on the squares. Quest note letters were circled.

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Re: Did they sell stickers/character sheets seperately?

Postby mo123813 » Saturday June 12th, 2010 9:23am

drathe wrote:No separate packs that I'm aware of. I guess they would have to purchase another design kit if they really wanted to make quests that way. Before the ease of computers, I just made maps on graph paper, drew little furniture icons and wrote the letter of the monster that would appear on the squares. Quest note letters were circled.

Ah, that's a good idea. I was not born when this game came out, so I'd have no idea.
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Re: Did they sell stickers/character sheets seperately?

Postby HeroQuestFrance » Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 3:20pm

I confirm.
However, when the game was the best seller in Europe times, you could call the customer service to get the needed replacement for free if you lost or if someone stole you your minis, sticker pages, dices etc.
I made a lot of calls .... for 4 years 2 per year to get a maximum.
You just had to give your barcode number box to get it mwhahahaha :lol:

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