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The Plague of Zombies

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The Plague of Zombies

Postby Fullork345 » Thursday June 16th, 2016 1:55am

Edited by HispaZargon: Thread title changed for clarity from "A question about the quest in the back of this" to "The Plague of Zombies".

How accurate is phenoix's recreation?

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Re: The Plague of Zombies

Postby slev » Thursday June 16th, 2016 12:24pm

Phonex and I worked on that together.

It matches everything on the back of the box.

The "quest" on the box isn't finished though, so we had to make some assumptions to fill in the missing bits!

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Re: The Plague of Zombies

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday March 14th, 2018 8:34pm

Accurate information is pictured for rooms A and B (see here.) Originally, both chests in room B were empty. That being said, the Quest definitely needed some additions to be playable--particularly stats and spells for the Deathmaster. If you check out the promotional leaflet included in the box here, it can be seen a good deal more was actually part of this Quest. Too bad out the text in the tiny image is hopelessly illegible.

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Re: The Plague of Zombies

Postby lestodante » Wednesday January 1st, 2020 11:11am

Edited by HispaZargon: Message moved to this conversation from generic thread titled "List of non-English 'official' quests" for better tracking of this topic.

The Plague of Zombies is incomplete I guess, as it have an exit door at the bottom of the board and also no notes for room C.
Here is you PLAGUE OF ZOMBIES scan:


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Re: The Plague of Zombies

Postby Hendar23 » Thursday January 2nd, 2020 3:01pm

Edited by HispaZargon: Message moved to this conversation from generic thread titled "List of non-English 'official' quests" for better tracking of this topic.

ah interesting, thanks!

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Re: The Plague of Zombies

Postby Gav_el » Monday July 13th, 2020 10:23am

Edited by HispaZargon: Message moved to this conversation from generic thread titled "List of non-English 'official' quests" for better tracking of this topic.

lestodante wrote:The Plague of Zombies is incomplete I guess, as it have an exit door at the bottom of the board and also no notes for room C.
Here is you PLAGUE OF ZOMBIES scan:


Interesting that this version shows the portal in room B leads to room A

whereas the US version, available here -


shows that the portal in room B leads to room C!
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Re: The Plague of Zombies

Postby slev » Tuesday July 14th, 2020 6:53am

Edited by HispaZargon: Message moved to this conversation from generic thread titled "List of non-English 'official' quests" for better tracking of this topic.

With Plague of Zombies, this was waaaaaaaay back (like around 06/07), some clever clogs on Old Scratch noticed this existed. Phoenix and I then worked together to produce US and EU versions, filling in the blanks as the quest pictured is only 90% completed.

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Re: The Plague of Zombies

Postby lestodante » Tuesday July 14th, 2020 7:54am

Edited by HispaZargon: Message moved to this conversation from generic thread titled "List of non-English 'official' quests" for better tracking of this topic.

Gav_el wrote:Interesting that this version shows the portal in room B leads to room A
whereas the US version, available here -
shows that the portal in room B leads to room C!

There is not an official US version, that one you linked is an adaptation made by Slev and Phoenix. The hystory is... an Italian user, Legolas77 (aka Legolas Baker), made the very first adaptation of this quest by copying the map from the rear box but since it was incomplete he apllied some changes, featuring a weird rule that the final boss is a statue and can not be defeated so the Heroes have to leave the quest once they realize this. :o
Also he guessed something about the missing note C, creating the teleport trap from B (which was originally leading to room A instead).
Then Slev and Phoenix created their own adaptation, but they started from the modified map and notes provided by Legolas77. His website is no longer online but it's credited on page 2 of the pdf you linked. |_P
They also added some stats for the final boss which were not listed in the original notes.
I recently did another Italian adaptation of this quest, and changed again the notes including something different in room C.
Please note there is also an exit door in the south corridor wich probably leads to another quest. This map was just a demo and unfinished in my opinion. But again, it would be cool to write a new mini-pack starting from this one.

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Re: The Plague of Zombies

Postby Oftkilted » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 10:56pm

Interestingly the back of the box appears to have the orcs with bows in addition to their standard weapons. Not the crossbows in the remake. It appears to read that they can either use bows or their normal weapons to attack with three attack dice.

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Re: The Plague of Zombies

Postby Oftkilted » Friday October 23rd, 2020 2:55pm

Very handy! That is indeed a much better scan than I had access to previously! (There’s a lot of stuff in the hidden depths of the forum!)

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