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Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby Anderas » Sunday May 2nd, 2021 7:55am

drathe tried to make an update two years ago. He failed for some reason - the modern forum software wouldn't accept lots of things which are available here.

Since then we're continuing with the old state.

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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby torilen » Sunday May 2nd, 2021 9:09am

I agree for the most part. As I've said before, if I ever post on the Inn's FB page, I try to remember to point back
to this website. I do think that, for what we do...what we want...the forum is a much better media than a social
media platform is.

The only exception I make to that are the pictures. I rarely would look at pictures posted on here. Occasionally, if
the thread name caught my eye - if it looked like something really grand - then I would take a peek. And I was happy
when I did. But FB does offer a far better place to post pictures, as one can simply scroll through and see them all in
their wonderful glory, without having to click back and forth.

That said - I've been on FB for a long time, and I've been on twitter for four or five years now. And I can say from experience
that both (and probably other social media sites, too) are filled with horrible people who seek only to cause hate and chaos.
Luckily, that hasn't been seen too much on the Inn's FB page. You get the occassional spam post, or someone posting
something just to kick up or stir the pot. Doesn't seem to happen too often though. We've been lucky in that - hopefully
that luck will hold. I mean - I'm on/was on a handful of woodworking FB pages, and as I said, there were some truly
horrible people on those. They never "violated" rules, so they were allowed to say and cause discontent.

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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby Anderas » Sunday May 2nd, 2021 11:27am

They never "violated" rules, so they were allowed to say and cause discontent

That happens with mods who allow that they're played. They could ban those. It would be better. They just have to use their "power".

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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby Kurgan » Sunday May 2nd, 2021 11:51am

iKarith wrote:I do often find myself wishing the forum software were more modern… Properly supporting unicode characters, maybe with a consistent bbcode, maybe taking advantage of some of the last 20 years of web development (which could make the site heavier or a bit lighter—I have preference for lighter personally) and some other features that'd make things like hosting games right here at the Inn easier, maybe make searches easier, that kind of thing. Not necessary, but it'd be nice. Of course after so long, it'd also be a pretty major time commitment, and it's not MY time that'd be committed to doing it. :D Everything is "easy" when it's not your time being taken to do it and/or figure it out.

I hear this and what Anderas said about drathe's update (oh well). Is it a matter of money for an upgrade I wonder? Because maybe we could have a fund-raiser...

I'm personally satisfied with the "old school" forum style, but maybe others aren't.

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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Sunday May 2nd, 2021 2:08pm

Yeah I agree with Kurgan 100 percent. I was in the facebook groups but it was just overload, the newsfeed format etc, its like fast food, quick hits, not my cup of tea. Its not for me, I like this forum way better so I deleted the groups.

I dont know is it just me or did the forum, apart from the Hasbro thread, got quieter since the Inns facebook group opened up?

Anderas come back here already and find someone for facebook who is into it more! :lol: |_P :D :D

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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby iKarith » Sunday May 2nd, 2021 3:12pm

Anderas wrote:drathe tried to make an update two years ago. He failed for some reason - the modern forum software wouldn't accept lots of things which are available here.

Since then we're continuing with the old state.

Yeah, I figured something like that would happen. You'd almost have to make several incremental upgrades and put out fires as you found them. I don't know what you'd do about e.g. the gallery.

I do wish we could fix the 503s on that—but I suspect those might be bandwidth-cap-related?
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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby Pancho » Sunday May 2nd, 2021 4:46pm

The Facebook Inn can be frustrating, it’s like a very low info version of this place. There was a recent thread in which the OP was complaining that the evil sorcerers in WOM only had one BP and therefore they were killed before they got to use any of their cool spells. Everyone else chimed in with “fixes” for this problem, before one or two people popped up to say that the sorcerers in fact had multiple BP. These were ignored for more posts offering more fixes for a problem that didn’t actually exist. Never would have happened here.

FB has its good stuff though. I’m currently spending far too much time on the Herohammer group (for Warhammer Fantasy 4th & 5th edition). It’s very friendly and informative, with lots of great files for printing. Much the same vibe as this place. Ironically, I actually blame Kurgan for sending me the other way from old school forums to Facebook; it was his posts about the Old World that eventually sparked my recent Warhammer Fantasy fanaticism :lol:

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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby Kurgan » Sunday May 2nd, 2021 7:14pm

That's how I am building my empire of chaos... creating one fanatic at a time!

I'm just not old school enough to go to newsgroups, apparently you could do and find anything there. I wonder what's up with that these days?

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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby StratosVX » Monday May 3rd, 2021 6:37am

They're still around. I've never thought to look for HQ stuff there though.

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Re: Why I left all three HeroQuest groups on Facebook

Postby Kurgan » Monday May 3rd, 2021 8:38am

Yeah, forget all this dark deep web of chaos nonsense, if it existed online (or still does) it is probably in a newsgroup, or so the OG internet people say.

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