Anderas wrote:I agreed to mod the Facebook group because I think that in the long run it will channel some folks back to here.
I fear the day when my work comes back full-force or the day when Hasbro starts delivering. I think as soon as I stop mopping each day, it'll take just two or three weeks to degrade so far that the people will leave the group.
Why are people so nice here and so strange there?
I think ultimately it's the nature of Facebook that it is so. I don't mean that to be dismissive or overly critical of Facebook necessarily. First, it requires some effort to be here. Facebook is no effort because everybody's already there. It requires dealing with old forum software that was as good as it got back then, but is kind of crusty and limited today.
Fewer people are willing to do that, so we have a small and dedicated group of fans.
What have you got on Facebook? A large group of people mostly there for other things who also happen to have a bit of interest in HeroQuest too, in among all the other things they are doing.
There's a Linux guy who had some comments about this recently: Social media intends to be a public park or town square … except if fails at this on almost every level. People can meet at a park, do things of common interest, have two-way conversations, etc. It is impossible to carry on a two-way conversation with hundreds, thousands, or millions of people. You can't do it. And yet the whole point of social media is that people try anyway. You can try to speak to a crowd as you would in a town square, but on social media the people can speak back. And do. And they bombard you with responses.
Public speaking is effectively a lowest-common-denominator sort of thing. Except because people can actually respond, easily carry on side conversations, and join the conversation later as if it was happening right now, you have this situation where bad actors can easily create a very hostile environment and set everyone on edge about issues big and small.
What's that have to do with HeroQuest groups? Nothing—except that the HeroQuest groups are right there intermixed with those other things, in the same context. We humans don't shift context that quickly. If we were on edge before, maybe a bit frustrated or angry, it's going to carry over into something else we might actually have fun with otherwise.
Another thing, I suspect the HQ group on Facebook is pretty large. That makes it effectively anonymous. Anonymous people don't necessarily feel like they need to behave the same way other people do. Which is funny because most of us are here under a pseudonym and we can decide who if anyone knows the name we're called by the outside world. Even so, within the group we have a reputation that we, as people who went to the effort to be here, actually care about.
I'm sure this forum has had its share of "drama". I see users who've made thousands of posts and were active contributors to the forum who seem to have been banned. Dunno what happened there, but I know it happens.
Me, I don't take mod positions anymore. I mean, I figure that which moderates best moderates least, so I'll let people get away with a lot without so much as a warning. Until someone tries to see just how much they can get away with. My #1 rule is the unwritten one: Don't go out of your way to piss off the moderator. Break it and I "abuse power" pretty quick, and it causes problems because I let so-and-so do such-and-such but immediately came down hard on the person who broke my rule for doing so. Yup, I did. No apologies for doing it, either. (See, that tends to cause problems, which is why … no thanks.)
So I don't envy you the job.