Very cool to see more episodes covering HQ on covertnerd podcast!
I just listened to the next one (recorded during the pandemic) and found it quite entertaining. This time there were pictures too which were neat to show off the stuff he made.
This guy Peter (creator of "HeroQuest Multiverse" on facebook) did quite a bit of homebrew stuff which was cool to see, and it was fun to hear about him playing with his kids. Not every Hero Quest fan makes new components to go with their game (as in the previous episode, some don't even make new quests), but some really go all out, practically make it their own game which is one of the things that keeps me coming back to the Inn just to see what others have come up with (which in turn often inspires me to pursue my own little projects and offer solutions I hadn't thought of to riff on).
Fun to hear the (now teenage) kids' perspectives too this time.
Teaching kids to do math (counting your dice moves, adding up gold) and reading through games is a great point and I love that. Who says fantasy games aren't educational? It teaches you to work together. It was fun to hear how he started out with the game being simplified and easier for the younger kids and then added complexity over time. They had an interesting discussion about kids with short attention spans (even ADHD) finding HQ easier than D&D that had a lot more downtime between turns.
Enjoyed the part about real life bribery going on (cookies for healing). He got into D&D and DarkWorld, DragonStrike (and used those two as fodder for HQ), DC HeroClix (he also mentioned HeroScape homebrews "HeroScapers," GenCon and even ArtiCon), Shadows of Brimstone and RoboTech Tactics (games I'd never heard of! well I had heard of RT). He supported the Hasbro Remake so his kids would have their own sets. This guy was lucky enough to buy nearly everything when it wasn't that expensive (EU gs, gs, ATOH, WOM) but he printed the BQP.
The Star Wars ("Expanded Universe," I liked the references to the Republic Commando game) mod idea was pretty cool. Makes sense because of games like Space Crusade. The 1:1 translation reminds me of the de-magicified mod I did, like having a new coat of paint/name changes to give it a new theme. This guy really went all out designing his own furniture/dungeon decorations. Working on the projects together sounds super fun as well. His "Orc Quest" I think ought to be discussed on the forums (if he's not already on the Inn!). "Playing as the Bad Guys" is a recurring topic around here. The underwater idea sounds intriguing.
His style of GMing reminds me of my brother's (more free-form and improvisational have fun approach... adapting the difficulty as the situation calls for it). He added bonus movement to the dice based on character class (6 squares + 1d6).
I'd never heard of this "Broadsword" game (DriveThruRPG) that was inspired by HeroQuest but it sounds interesting.
I can identify with not being super great with original art, but being great at photoshop for crafting new elements! Ye Olde Inn shout-out at 25:10.
Family Time, indeed!