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Finally got some AHQ tiles!

PostPosted: Friday March 1st, 2019 10:03pm
by j_dean80
Been working on the AHQ re-make so decided I needed the tiles instead of cheaper homemade ones. Been trying to read what the Amulet says around it and can only figure out a few words. Anyone know what it says?


Re: Finally got some AHQ tiles!

PostPosted: Saturday March 2nd, 2019 2:32pm
by KrautScientist
I think it says "Beware the prisoner(,) for this is the key", spelt backwards. Hope this helps!

Re: Finally got some AHQ tiles!

PostPosted: Saturday March 2nd, 2019 9:52pm
by j_dean80
I see it now. Thanks for that. Couldn't tell the P was a P. It was throwing me off.

Re: Finally got some AHQ tiles!

PostPosted: Friday March 8th, 2019 8:10am
by j_dean80
Sigmund wrote:Wait, did you make or buy those, J_dean80? They look pretty neat.

Bought. They are real AHQ tiles.