I had the most relaxed, best year in my entire life.
Last year, after a 200% year, my boss refused to pay more than the average bonus. After that, I refused to work more than 100%. As she has gotten used to Anderas giving everything, she was absolutely not happy with me working as defined in the contract this year.
So she was pulling some strings, and I was moved to another department, actually now I am doing my dream job! And 100% there even means 30% compared to before! Wow! Had I known that, I'd done it earlier. Praise to the European nanny companies. In the US I'd been fired.
Sadly, in May I got the message that my cancer was back, but healable. So I did everything I could to put on some weight until June, a feast of a May that was. Good food, and a lot of it, I put on 4 kg in 4 weeks, it was a good month.
From June to December I was on sick leave. Using the chemotherapy to watch Dr. Who, and to write my heroscribe esp file maker. Chemo wasn't as bad as it is supposed to be, I did not lose any weight. That was bad, now I am on diet.
End of September they finished the therapy, leaving me at home for the rest of the year, doing 100% hobby.
The only drawback of it all was that the health insurance called in December, telling me in all friendliness they could muster, that they won't pay my salary for those months. So I have a financial gap now.
I'll go back to Germany next year, because as it turns out the calamities between the French and the German state bureaucracies were causing the non-payment, and I want to get rid of that risk for the rest of my life.