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Postby Goblin-King » Monday December 24th, 2018 5:05am

Just a little Christmas greeting to all you questers.

2018 has been pretty nice all in all. I won 1st place in two categories in a local painting competition.
I got into Kill Team, played a campaign and got a shared win for best painted team (the other guy used led lights to dazzle the children and steal votes :smack: ).
Tonight I'll be visited by my parents to celebrate Christmas.
We'll be going to church. We are not really dedicated Christians or anything, but the Christmas sermon in my village is just such a nice tradition.
Then we'll be back and start preparing the food. Duck, sweet potatoes and gravy - and risalamande for dessert.
In the summer I was brewing beer with my neighbor. One of them was a Christmas ale. It should be ripe juuuust about now :D

So a merry Christmas to everybody.
I hope you may spend it with your loved ones and forget about any hardships just for one night.

Aaaand the cat just brought in a live mouse...

See you all in the new year!

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Postby Figomurphy » Monday December 24th, 2018 5:41am

I hope you have a fabulous Christmas GK.

Also here’s hoping that Ireland get some revenge against Denmark this year in the Euro qualifiers. I’m sick of being thrashed by Danes. It’s been going on for 1200 years at this stage :D

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Postby torilen » Monday December 24th, 2018 2:48pm

Merry Christmas to you, as well, GK - and to all else here at the Inn.

For us, 2018 has not been bad, either. While we love Christmas and all it stands for,
it kind of sucks for our immediate family this year. It is on a Tuesday...and I work
the graveyard shift, with Tuesday being my first day back for the week. It is always
the hardest day, since I get up Monday morning around 8am, and aside from a 1-2 hour
nap in the afternoon (where I am going as soon as I finish typing this), I am up until
I go to bed around 9-10am Tuesday morning.

Kara is working from 6am to 4pm, so she's going to be exhausted (she is a chef at a
5 star hotel).

So, needless to say, Christmas is busy busy busy this year. BUT, we're making it work
with friends and family as need be. We have been blessed this year, and look forward to
the blessings we may get in 2019.

Be safe questers,
Torilen (Matthew)

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Postby Thor-in » Monday December 24th, 2018 8:58pm

I'm very happy to hear that you had a good year GK.

This year was not so good for the Thor-in household. I left my family in Kentucky to get my old job back in New York. Financial issues. My daughter got sick and ended up in the hospital for a week. I've had to travel back and forth 850 +/- miles 10 times this year between Kentucky and New York. My mother in law died, my father in law is dying, both my grandmother's are in ill health, and I'm filling for divorce after an almost 10 year marriage. Unfortunately I've missed so much out of my daughter's life that I feel like a horrible father.

However I did get a better job at a different company doing the same kind of work for more money. I also have been able to reconnect with a lot of my old friends from high school because of my divorce (my soon to be ex was controlling, to much to post). I also was able to reconnect with my high school sweetheart, she is going through a divorce also so we have been able to be each other's support through all of this.

Hopefully 2019 brings me something better.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. This is the season for spending time with your family.

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Postby lestodante » Tuesday December 25th, 2018 6:05am

Hope you all spent a nice Christmas, I spent mine with family (sister, mother and nephews).
I am waiting for a new assigment in my job that (hopefully) will arrive in the first months of 2019 (before February they say), so I will earn about 1 hour and a half of time each day that I can dedicate to my life (actually I am out for job from 8 am to 18:00 and come back home very tired). I really need a change and a gear up in my life! So I hope this new year will bring some good news. And maybe I will have more time to dedicate to finish painting my miniatures too.
So good luck to everyone, merry Christmas and let's wait for the new year!!!

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Postby Stoner81 » Tuesday December 25th, 2018 7:28am


I hope everybody has a fantastic day and an even better new year!

Cheers! |_P |_P |_P |_P

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Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday December 25th, 2018 7:42am

I'm sad to hear about your misfortune Thor-in.
At least you are still able to see the positive side of things. When life gives you lemons, you squeeze those lemons into your eyes, enter a berserker-rage and punches life in the face.
I hope 2019 will bring a happy conclusion to your post |_P

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Postby benvoliothefirst » Tuesday December 25th, 2018 9:15pm

Goblin-King wrote:When life gives you lemons, squeeze those lemons into your eyes, enter a berserker-rage and punch life in the face!

Well hello there, new sig! Merry Christmas and happy new year, you talented and sexy people!
wickedmetal.blogspot.com <--I paint HeroQuest!
My players' monthly game results
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Goblin-King wrote:When life gives you lemons, squeeze those lemons into your eyes, enter a berserker rage and punch life in the face!

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Postby Thantos » Wednesday December 26th, 2018 6:18pm

Merry Christmas everyone :D Hope you all get some time away from the normal weekly rat-race to relax and remember to do the things which are important to us all |_P
Models. Plastic Injection. Resin Casting. High Res 3D Printing . Macro 3D Scanning .

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Postby Anderas » Friday December 28th, 2018 5:33am

I had the most relaxed, best year in my entire life.

Last year, after a 200% year, my boss refused to pay more than the average bonus. After that, I refused to work more than 100%. As she has gotten used to Anderas giving everything, she was absolutely not happy with me working as defined in the contract this year.
So she was pulling some strings, and I was moved to another department, actually now I am doing my dream job! And 100% there even means 30% compared to before! Wow! Had I known that, I'd done it earlier. Praise to the European nanny companies. In the US I'd been fired.

Sadly, in May I got the message that my cancer was back, but healable. So I did everything I could to put on some weight until June, a feast of a May that was. Good food, and a lot of it, I put on 4 kg in 4 weeks, it was a good month.

From June to December I was on sick leave. Using the chemotherapy to watch Dr. Who, and to write my heroscribe esp file maker. Chemo wasn't as bad as it is supposed to be, I did not lose any weight. That was bad, now I am on diet. :)

End of September they finished the therapy, leaving me at home for the rest of the year, doing 100% hobby.

The only drawback of it all was that the health insurance called in December, telling me in all friendliness they could muster, that they won't pay my salary for those months. So I have a financial gap now.

I'll go back to Germany next year, because as it turns out the calamities between the French and the German state bureaucracies were causing the non-payment, and I want to get rid of that risk for the rest of my life.

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