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Photobucket mended?

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Photobucket mended?

Postby Daedalus » Thursday June 7th, 2018 4:15pm

I recently noticed some old Photobucket images reappearing in the Xmas Exchange threads. (I had provided Imgur alternates but left in the old links.) So I'm posting one of my old Photobucket images as confirmation:


I wonder why Photobucket changed heart. My guess is the work-around apps made their pay scheme untenable. So our images are back . . . at least for now.

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Re: Photobucket mended?

Postby torilen » Thursday June 7th, 2018 4:51pm

Don't know about photobucket.

Did you create that picture? That's pretty sweet.

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Re: Photobucket mended?

Postby Daedalus » Thursday June 7th, 2018 8:32pm

A bunch of the images at the Inn are posted through Photobucket, a free file-sharing site. To the Internet's chagrin, after many years they decided to halt free sharing on websites, including the Inn. Several months later, our images are suddenly available again.

The image I posted is from the Hero Quest Marvel Winter Special.

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Re: Photobucket mended?

Postby Sotiris » Friday June 8th, 2018 2:17am

Great! I can see again my play by post game images :)
i've spend so much time on this...
My new unpublished boardgame on Tabletopia free platform:

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Re: Photobucket mended?

Postby Anderas » Friday June 8th, 2018 2:25am

For me the trust is gone.
I also doubt flickr since that happened.
Could we add a TB to yeoldeinn and host our pictures ourselves? What would it cost?

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Re: Photobucket mended?

Postby knightkrawler » Friday June 8th, 2018 2:33am


decided to do some research and the answer is literally one guy. but as anderas said, the trust is gone. for now.
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Re: Photobucket mended?

Postby Goblin-King » Friday June 8th, 2018 4:21am

So what...? It's still a subscription service, but all old images are free?

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Re: Photobucket mended?

Postby knightkrawler » Friday June 8th, 2018 5:14am

basically, yes, because they promised a service for free at the time and the new CEO does not want to break these old "contracts" in retrospect, which was what they did.
that's how i've always seen it, no matter what was in the sign-in form back in the day. they broke trust no matter if they were in their rights to do what they did.

thinking about this, it could all be a ruse to gaud people into paying up and thus collect some extra money urgently needed and then build up on a new oh-that-guy-is-awesome cult like it's been a weird trend over the last few years in the business world.
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Re: Photobucket mended?

Postby Pancho » Friday June 8th, 2018 1:48pm

This gives me an excuse to go through the entire forum again, board by board, thread by thread, to see what I missed the first time round.
I love this place :D

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