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My first Heroquest arrives tomorrow (hopefully) LoL

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My first Heroquest arrives tomorrow (hopefully) LoL

Postby Xopher80 » Monday January 16th, 2017 12:08am

My copy of Heroquest should be here tomorrow afternoon :shock: and if all goes right I should be playing with at least 2 people Tuesday or wedneday :fimir:
I have really been enjoying this site and just wanted to share my excitement with the community :chaoswarrior: I will post some pictures of the game play I also will have some painting and conversions to post in the future.
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Re: My first Heroquest arrives tomorrow (hopefully) LoL

Postby Jackyboy » Tuesday January 17th, 2017 7:05pm


So has it turned up? What condition is it in?? Have the miniatures been painted?!? Come on man do tell!!! :lol:

I hope you are busy hacking through The Trial as I type this :) Good luck down in the dungeon

Please PM me if any of my old links to files are currently down. I am in the process of hosting them somewhere new!


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Ogre Chieftain
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Re: My first Heroquest arrives tomorrow (hopefully) LoL

Postby Figomurphy » Friday January 20th, 2017 9:56am

Fantastic. Happy gaming.

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Re: My first Heroquest arrives tomorrow (hopefully) LoL

Postby Xopher80 » Monday January 23rd, 2017 2:33pm

Figomurphy wrote:Fantastic. Happy gaming.

Thank you we are having a blast. |_P cheers

Jackyboy wrote:???

So has it turned up? What condition is it in?? Have the miniatures been painted?!? Come on man do tell!!! :lol:

I hope you are busy hacking through The Trial as I type this :) Good luck down in the dungeon


Cheers it has turnes up and when you posted that we were probably just starting day 2 of our 3 day dungeon crawl which I have posted some pictures of here http://forum.yeoldeinn.com/viewtopic.php?f=161&t=3722&p=76630#p76630
As for the condition it's in great shape one skeleton has a easy to fix broken leg the throne is missing the foot area and rats have broken tails other than that its 100% complete NA version no painted minis tho I will be painting them eventually.
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Re: My first Heroquest arrives tomorrow (hopefully) LoL

Postby Jackyboy » Sunday January 29th, 2017 7:30am

glad to hear you've had it out the box already ;)

all those minor damages sound easy enough to fix and a 3 day dungeon crawl sounds great! I really need some time to play some games!!! :lol:
Please PM me if any of my old links to files are currently down. I am in the process of hosting them somewhere new!


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Ogre Chieftain
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