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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

PostPosted: Monday September 21st, 2015 12:02pm
by sajungzak
Yeah, but if a hero wants to risk getting separated from the group I let them. If they fail the jump they have to choose which side of the rubble they end up on. Perhaps this hero has the pass through rock spell so they aren't too worried. I love this game and am excited for a browser based version.

Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

PostPosted: Monday September 21st, 2015 5:36pm
by StratosVX
Grimdotdotdot wrote:That's certainly planned for the future - they'd have to be fairly simple - ie. treasure cards that give X gold, or swords with X attack dice. Anything that doesn't change the rules, really (such as "sword that allows 3 attack dice and 4 against undead creatures" couldn't work because I'd have to code that in).

I figured you would be making the base quests included. If that is the case, how are you going to account for the Spirit Blade or the Orc's Bane?

Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

PostPosted: Monday September 21st, 2015 5:39pm
by Grimdotdotdot
That's no trouble, I can specifically code those features in for those weapons. But if someone wants to make a weapon that (say) is more powerful when backed into a corner, that wouldn't be possible.

Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

PostPosted: Thursday February 23rd, 2017 12:53am
by Daedalus
This worthy project seems to have tailed off, unfortunately. I hope it is revived; it's a cool idea to simply go online and play as a solo game. Another strong feature was the setting options that provided both EU and NA gameplay. I second sajungzak's suggestion to include an option for NA trap rules.

The trap discussion left some questions for me regarding EU rules. First, since a discovered falling block trap tile marker is placed on the board when searched for, doesn't it block movement and prevent jumping? Also, if a pit or falling block trap can be removed by a player character with a tool kit or removed automatically by the Dwarf, doesn't't that negate the Quest design aspect of separating the party once such a character is present at the trap?

As I figure it, movement allows multiple jumps in a turn. (I'm an NA player, so maybe I misunderstood a finer EU detail.) Also, the EQP has a long pit trap with rules that call for jumps including three squares.

Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

PostPosted: Thursday February 23rd, 2017 5:42am
by Grimdotdotdot
Oh yeah, I got really busy at work :(

Did I not share the link? That's odd.

I honestly don't remember what works and what doesn't, but if you get stuck refreshing the page normally helps.

If something is wrong or broken then shout out here, but I can't promise that I'll have time to fix things :(

Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

PostPosted: Thursday February 23rd, 2017 5:32pm
by Daedalus
Thanks for the link! First visit was with a smart phone, so I only got through creating some characters. I look forward to running through the game on my computer later.

Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

PostPosted: Sunday February 26th, 2017 3:08pm
by Daedalus
I tried again from my computer but had little more success. I managed to select Heroes and a Quest, but got no further than the notifications about my chosen Quest's options and the wandering Monster. Perhaps my connection isn't good (one of my ports doesn't work with Bit Comet.)