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Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:27am

sajungzak wrote:
Grimdotdotdot wrote:Pit traps remain if traps are searched for, spear traps and chest traps are automatically disarmed, falling rock traps automatically go off if detected.

The rules are annoyingly vague about traps, if they are disarmed, if using a tool kit counts as an action, etc.

Perhaps you can include a house rule so that traps act like they do in (less vague?) U.S. rules. When searched they are momentarily revealed and remain dangerous until individually disarmed with a tool kit or the dwarf.

Does that go for the spear traps, too? The UK rules said that these were automatically disarmed when found.

I think. I'll have to check.

It would be nice, because I have a spear trap tile I'm not using :D

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby sajungzak » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:29am

It does. This is one of the bigger changes from the original rules when it was released overseas.
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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:30am

Okay, cool. I could almost certainly include an option for that.

Could you jump over the spear traps if you didn't have a kit?

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby sajungzak » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:36am

I should double check but I've been playing that you can. Go to the home page here at the in and enter through the north American game box. It will have the corresponding versions.http://north-american.yeoldeinn.com/system.php
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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Count Mohawk » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:40am

You can jump over pretty much anything, as long as you only jump once per turn and only jump one square at a time. Heroes need to roll anything but a skull to succeed in their jump, or anything but a Black Shield if they have the Rabbit Boots (an artifact from Return of the Witch Lourde; not sure if it shows up in EuroQuest). The only exampe that gets called out specifically in the rules, however, is leaping a Pit Trap in a corner square.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:42am

Indeed you can. You can also jump over a falling block trap, which strikes me as odd, as they were part of the level design for the UK version, I'm sure.

I may have them trigger on discovery automatically.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby sajungzak » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:43am

Also this thread had a link to a compilation that includes all rules updates from all expansions professionally compiled by pheonix http://forum.yeoldeinn.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3157&p=60425#p60425
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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:43am

sajungzak wrote:Also this thread had a link to a compilation that includes all rules updates from all expansions professionally compiled by pheonix http://forum.yeoldeinn.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3157&p=60425#p60425

Sweet! I'll have a read of that, cheers.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby sajungzak » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:44am

Grimdotdotdot wrote:Indeed you can. You can also jump over a falling block trap, which strikes me as odd, as they were part of the level design for the UK version, I'm sure.

I may have them trigger on discovery automatically.

I only allow this trap to be jumped before it has been triggered.
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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Monday September 21st, 2015 11:48am

sajungzak wrote:
Grimdotdotdot wrote:Indeed you can. You can also jump over a falling block trap, which strikes me as odd, as they were part of the level design for the UK version, I'm sure.

I may have them trigger on discovery automatically.

I only allow this trap to be jumped before it has been triggered.

Sure, when it's triggered it's just a normal rockpile, right?

But I'm sure the UK maps used to use them to cut off certain parts of the map, assuming that they'd be triggered no matter what (ie. on detection by searching or getting squished). I'll do some thinking and see if I can come up with a good argument one way or the other.

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