by drathe » Friday March 6th, 2009 9:37pm
I updated the mainsystem page of the site. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why one image link wasn't showing up. It works from opening the page on my computer, but not from the server. I checked the source and the link line was missing. I thought WTF? Did it not copy the entire file over? So I transfered the file back and checked. The line was there. WTF? Is there some sort of link limit, or image link limit? I never heard of one so I tested the theory by deleting other links and adding extra links of images that already showed up. Everything but the one link worked. It just wouldn't show on the page or the source code. Then I got a crazy idea. The image link I wasn't showing was the Advertisement Insert for the quest packs that came with the systems. I turned off my ad-blocker and sure enough, it shows up. What the freakin' hell!? I had to remove the word 'Advertisement' from the alt tag. I changed it to 'Ad' and now everything shows up fine. How irritatingly stupid was that? I wasted much precious time trying to figure that one out. Now I won't have all the updates finished I wanted to get done.
Post Transfer from Old Forum - Original Post Date: Sunday January 13th, 2008 06:57pm