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Goblin-King wrote:When life gives you lemons, squeeze those lemons into your eyes, enter a berserker rage and punch life in the face!
lestodante wrote:I bought this book on ebay one year ago at very cheap price and an Orc Shaman was also included in the package too!!! So I was very lucky.
I also enjoyed reading the novel. And also the classic quest was not bad in my opinion, but didn't even try to play the solo quest.
I also have a question about the quest: many doors have inscriptions carved on them, but they seems to be unuseful. Or maybe they are some kind of suggestion? Anyone knows?
lestodante wrote:Oh.. genius! Thanks for the hint! So it is just an indication about which door to open first and wich one to open later, right?
Did you solve the puzzle on your own?
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