For those interested in what might be the best versions that I had made, see the following: ... sp=sharingThese were done by guillotining the books and flat scanning each page at 1200dpi, cleaning and realigning each page and dropping them down to 300DPI.
This is my preferred way of dealing with books as it retains the original page layout and paragraph structures - of course take a bloody long time to do though. I originally planned to do the entire original Fighting Fantasy book series in the same way but then realized that even if I did 4 a year, it would take me 15 years to complete (and possible my marriage in the meantime) haha...
Footnote, I met Stephen Baloban once many years ago and got to check out his collection, it was bloody brilliant - at the time he was possibly the only person in Australia who had the Barbarian & Elf Quest Packs, and had almost every version & reprint from every country in the world.