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Have you read through it?

Discuss HeroQuest: The Fellowship of Four, the first HeroQuest novel by Dave Morris.

Re: Have you read through it?

Postby benvoliothefirst » Friday August 24th, 2018 7:48am

I thoroughly enjoyed it! Quite an original twist having the wizard lead the party... Maybe not in most fantasy but personally our quests always had the wizard playing last and the barbarian leading, which carried forward into Warhammer Quest. I really liked the device of the separate "origin stories" and the players slowly coming together. Also loved the female orc shaman character.
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Re: Have you read through it?

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday March 5th, 2019 2:20pm

I read it and thought it was ok. But it wasn't entirely in line with Hero Quest. Although they had the spells down close enough (asides from Sleep and Veil of Mist), there wasn't really any Treasure searches or potions or traps.
But I did like the introduction to the heroes and the relationship they had with each other (particularly the Wizard and Elf).
Though I do feel the whole teleportation bag at the end was sketchy and they didn't exactly kill the orc witch. So it was just OK.

The sequels I didn't care for. I'd prefer to see the heroes continue on with each other instead of having solo quests.

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