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Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

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Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby Sjeng » Thursday October 22nd, 2015 10:49am

So, who's backing this?

There's a new addon, called Super Dungeon Legends, which reminds me of Advanced HeroQuest / Warhammer Quest. And SDE gets an overhaul: 2nd edition!
Better rules, new figures and tiles, all compatible with Forgotten Kingdoms now. I might finally cave for SDE...

Goblin-King? You in right?

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/so ... escription
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Re: Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby Goblin-King » Thursday October 22nd, 2015 11:04am

Of course I'm in!
The rules in 2nd ed are the same as in Forgotten King. They are both a base game.
And they are finally adding orcs by the way ;)


I'm looking forward to legends as well. They are using modular boards and have character leveling (two things I know are very popular here at the Inn).
I really hope they don't botch up the rules for this. It really has a lot of potential.

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Re: Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby IvenBach » Saturday October 24th, 2015 1:25pm

Sjeng wrote:So, who's backing this?

That was my question. I have no experience with SDE but it's always intrigued me. The main thing that I'm leery about is shipping. Black Plague horrendously lied about shipping making it several times more than what was initially stated. Will it be worth it to pick up? If so which one?

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Re: Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby Goblin-King » Saturday October 24th, 2015 5:14pm

Well, Legends is a brand new concept so it's anyone's guess if it's actually good.

SDE itself is pretty good, though quite unbalanced if both sides actually play to win. The company's design philosophy is that you shouldn't think too much while playing...
This is in a way comparable to HQ where the game is kind of funnier if the players doesn't optimize too much - Door blocking, monsters refusing to move and stuff like that.
But SDE is strictly combat oriented so not optimizing doesn't make much sense to me at least. SDE, despite it's name, doesn't have any exploring.

With Legends it sounds like the Dark Consul takes more of a Game Master role, which would eliminate a certain amount of the unbalances in the standard game.
But again, the rules aren't out yet, so...

The thing about SDE is that you really want a lot of different monster packs. You can't really play much with just a couple. It would feel like if you could only use the green monsters in HQ.
It adds up to a really expensive game if you want more than the bare minimum.

Shipping prices wasn't a problem during the last KS at least.

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Re: Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby mukami » Saturday October 24th, 2015 7:06pm

Backed this for the Legendary tier... may add a Dark Consul tier for a second set of all the extras.

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Re: Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby IvenBach » Saturday October 24th, 2015 10:21pm

Goblin-King wrote:It adds up to a really expensive game if you want more than the bare minimum.

That doesn't appeal to me. Is it just that they sell every single type of creature separately? Is it the opposite of Descent which gives you plenty of monsters to choose from?

Goblin-King wrote:Shipping prices wasn't a problem during the last KS at least.

I hope so... Black Plague said the same of $10-15 for shipping and it ended up more than 7 times that :? :evil: ...

Can you elaborate on some of the pitfalls of why it's unbalanced? From your post it sounds like monster are supposed to react in a static manner since nobody is 'actively' controlling them. I'll watch this as it goes along. I've never been a fan of chibi style art. In spite of that I've always liked the SDE minis.

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Re: Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby Goblin-King » Sunday October 25th, 2015 1:42am

Monsters are grouped in spawnpoints. The above image is an example of a single spawnpoint that gives you 6 orcs (that particular box has 2 of these spawnpoints).
That means you can't mix and match which monsters you'd like to use. You must take an entire group. A game has 3-5 spawnpoints depending on number of heroes.
So while the game system gives you plenty of models, it only gives you 2 different spawnpoints. That is very much playable, but you'll soon want more spawnpoints for variety. I guess this is a subjective thing though?

Since the original release they have added a new "Arcade" gamemode which is a mode without an Evil Consul player. Here the monsters behave in a specific manner.
I haven't tried this gamemode myself, but from what I've heard, once you understand the system it's easy to abuse making it too easy.

But you can also play classic mode where one player controls the monsters. When controlled by a competent human some of the spawnpoints and bosses are simply overpowered.
The opposite goes for heroes. Some are strictly flat out better than other. You can't just pick your favorites and hope to win.
If up against a min/maxer the heroes will always have a hard time.

Here is the content of the current Game System. Notice it has 4 spawnpoints. Two single points and one paired (double) spawnpoint. As you can see the model count is pretty good, but you'll still run the same combination of monsters every time.

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Re: Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby Sjeng » Wednesday November 11th, 2015 8:45am

Yeah I think if I like 2nd ed, I'm gonna have to get FK too. Looks good!

And check all these SG's!


Makes me wonder how many SG's I missed out on during the FK KS... Do I want to know? Yes. I do. Checking that KS page now... *cries*
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby Just_Will » Friday July 1st, 2016 12:25am

I'm definitely backing this. On a side note, has anyone here looked over their SDE collection and realized they could effectively proxy in a relevant SDE model for all of HQ and run an Anime Hero Quest? Heck, even the men at arms after the next release.
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Re: Super Dungeon Legends and 2nd edition

Postby Goblin-King » Friday July 1st, 2016 12:42am

Just_Will wrote:I'm definitely backing this. On a side note, has anyone here looked over their SDE collection and realized they could effectively proxy in a relevant SDE model for all of HQ and run an Anime Hero Quest? Heck, even the men at arms after the next release.

Could you now...?

The heroes are easy enough. Male Clawtribe Barbarian (barbarian), Heartsworn Fighter (dwarf), Male Glimmerdusk Ranger (elf), Male Hexcast Sorcerer (wizard)

Orc - Skullstone spawnpoint; literally orcs
Goblin - ???
Fimir - ???
Skeleton - Shallow Grave spawnpoint; literally skeletons
Zombie - Grabby House spawnpoint; literally zombies
Mummy - Dust Mage perhaps, though I think it's a stretch
Chaos Warrior - ???
Gargoyle - ???

I think we miss too much to make a full proxy.
How were you planning on filling out the blanks?

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