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HeroQuest Expansion for Talisman

PostPosted: Monday March 10th, 2014 3:23pm
by Jackyboy
Hi all,

Here is my finished expansion for Talisman (2nd Edition) it took me some time to make but I loved every minute of it! Talisman and HeroQuest were my 2 favourite games when growing up and I've always wanted to combine them somehow. Anyways without rambling on anymore here is a quick preview of the board and a link to download the expansion


Thanks for looking


Re: HeroQuest Expansion for Talisman

PostPosted: Monday March 10th, 2014 9:07pm
by chaoticprime
I love me some Talisman. I have Third and Fourth Editions.

Re: HeroQuest Expansion for Talisman

PostPosted: Monday March 10th, 2014 10:58pm
by JasonMCM
Linkey no workey. :(

Re: HeroQuest Expansion for Talisman

PostPosted: Wednesday March 12th, 2014 6:54am
by Jackyboy
I have sorted out the link

It does work BUT if you have trouble with it it may be that you have Peerblock. I have peerblock and for some reason I need to disable it while I download. As soon as its done I re enable. Other than that it may be another program which works like Peerblock and stops alot of IP traffic

@ chaoticprime

I love Talsiman, got all the expansions for 2nd and 3rd editions. Got the bog standard 4th edition but will be buying up some expansions soon :)