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Space Crusade - Eldar

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Space Crusade - Eldar

Postby KungFuNav » Wednesday November 1st, 2023 12:43pm

I have a bunch of additional Warhammer Eldar miniatures am going to try to incorporate into Space Crusade. I'll add them to this forum as I work them out.

Eldar War Walker doesn't quite make sense wandering around a Space Hulk, but my son wanted to use it!

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-J-65y ... sp=sharing


The Lascannon follows the same rules as those in the 'Mission Dreadnought' expansion, particularly it can fire 3 shots, or decide to combine two or even three shots in one attack.

(Am happy to add different weapons to the reference chart if anyone has a War Walker miniature with different guns, I've tried to make it look like the official cards.)
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Re: Space Crusade - Eldar

Postby Kurgan » Thursday November 2nd, 2023 7:45am

You could make up some reason why... it's cool anyway.

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