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Teldurn wrote:el_flesh wrote:Necro has usually used the idea of sacrificing some BP to raise minions. So his special ability would be to absorb 1 BP off slain creatures; usually adjacent. (Diagonal OK).
You could make a Poisonmancer whose ability is to poison his dagger, some spell cards making poison nova, corpse pollution, etc.
Lastly, there is the Bonemancer who can have Bone Armor ability, uses cards to cast Bone spear, teeth, bone wall, prison....
If you keep this idea going, you can give him a Golem instead when it comes time for Mercenary hiring...
Good point. I hadn't thought of making that an ability by itself for the necro. It was going to be one of the spell cards. However I'm not clear on what you mean by the minion raising by absorbing a BP off a dead creature.
I dig the Poisonmancer and Bonemancer ideas, too! But I'm not familiar with those spell names. Are they from one of the expansions?
Goblin-King wrote:Teldurn wrote:el_flesh wrote:Necro has usually used the idea of sacrificing some BP to raise minions. So his special ability would be to absorb 1 BP off slain creatures; usually adjacent. (Diagonal OK).
You could make a Poisonmancer whose ability is to poison his dagger, some spell cards making poison nova, corpse pollution, etc.
Lastly, there is the Bonemancer who can have Bone Armor ability, uses cards to cast Bone spear, teeth, bone wall, prison....
If you keep this idea going, you can give him a Golem instead when it comes time for Mercenary hiring...
Good point. I hadn't thought of making that an ability by itself for the necro. It was going to be one of the spell cards. However I'm not clear on what you mean by the minion raising by absorbing a BP off a dead creature.
I dig the Poisonmancer and Bonemancer ideas, too! But I'm not familiar with those spell names. Are they from one of the expansions?
Sounds like Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction skills![]()
I don't think the whole concept of sacrificing and regaining BP will work too well in HQ.
The problem is that if he simply ignores his spells he will just be a regular hero but with an reusable SELF-HEAL ability!
BP is too valuable to be regained by a reusable ability. It will be game breaking!
But how about giving him spell tokens for standing adjacent to a dying monster instead? A number of tokens must be sacrificed to cast spells.
That is unless you just want to give him a regular spell deck instead... You could easily make him a wizard equivalent and give him 9 necromancer spells.
edit: also "prime" can mean first in importance or quality or of superior grade, not necessarily just something that came first chronologically. So don't worry about the name - it's fitting
Teldurn wrote:Race - Special Ability
...Dragonkin - Breath Weapon: As an action, breathe fire (or ice or acid, etc., your choice at creation) in a straight line up to 3 squares. All monsters and heroes in that line take 1BP of damage that cannot be defended....
Class - Feature
Acrobat - Opportunistic: You can split your movement phase up with an action.
Assassin - Trap Knack: Disarm traps without a toolkit....
...Monk - Flurry of blows: Sacrifice your move action to attack more than one adjacent enemy. Split your attack dice between adjacent enemies....
Daedalus wrote:Teldurn wrote:Race - Special Ability
...Dragonkin - Breath Weapon: As an action, breathe fire (or ice or acid, etc., your choice at creation) in a straight line up to 3 squares. All monsters and heroes in that line take 1BP of damage that cannot be defended....
Class - Feature
Acrobat - Opportunistic: You can split your movement phase up with an action.
Assassin - Trap Knack: Disarm traps without a toolkit....
...Monk - Flurry of blows: Sacrifice your move action to attack more than one adjacent enemy. Split your attack dice between adjacent enemies....
I'm not a fan of Dragonkin. The breath weapon seems too good to me. I hope it is usable only once a Quest.
Acrobat- like it, hope it playtests well.
Assassin- I'm not too sure there is enough special in the ability. Allowing for a reroll is a good idea, but how often will it come into play? Maybe include a Hazard avoidance roll--I dunno. Also, I'd drop the master tool kit. It makes the Assassin's skill something that can be purchased, which devalues it in my opinion. This change would also keep standard and master toolkits viable.
Monk- I like the Monk's Flurry of Blows description (but give it an HQ name). Adding a movement cost and generalizing it's use to any attack makes sense and fits HQ's simple-is-better model.
Teldurn wrote:2. For the Necromancer, actually I was thinking of using Ethica's Necromancer spell deck (http://www.yeoldeinn.com/na-cards.php. I'm not 100% sure what the forum rules are regarding directly linking to PDFs, so just to be safe there's the page it's located on). I would be changing the wording on some of them to fit my tastes -- things like Hellfire being allowed a defense, and a couple other points. I might even incorporate a couple ideas of Dewayne Agin's Necromancer set, from the same page...regardless that it's Zargon's set.
Daedalus wrote:Go with your idea on Dragonkin. I'm not a fan of the race, so I'm pretty sure you'd make a better power than I.
Daedalus wrote:Giving the Assassin a 50/50 chance sounds good to me.
Nerfing the Weaponmaster sounds wise. I like the protection from weapon damage. Do you limit Hero weapons? Maybe he could ignore the limit or get auto switching. Just brainstorming.
Daedalus wrote:Teldurn wrote:2. For the Necromancer, actually I was thinking of using Ethica's Necromancer spell deck (http://www.yeoldeinn.com/na-cards.php. I'm not 100% sure what the forum rules are regarding directly linking to PDFs, so just to be safe there's the page it's located on). I would be changing the wording on some of them to fit my tastes -- things like Hellfire being allowed a defense, and a couple other points. I might even incorporate a couple ideas of Dewayne Agin's Necromancer set, from the same page...regardless that it's Zargon's set.
There aren't any rules to linking to PDFs here at the Inn. Of course, stealing other's work and presenting it as your own isn't what we do. You already hit upon the etiquette, which is to call out the creator with the link. If you wanted, you could first PM the creator as a courtesy, but it isn't required. The guiding principle is we post to share. By directly linking to his cards, you are merely making it easier to find and use them. I haven't yet read about a member that wasn't willing to have his or her ideas adopted by another member.
Many members also prefer to give credit to others when borrowing ideas from forum threads. You can't go wrong knitting yourself into the community this way, though it is understandable that the source of every idea won't be remembered or mentioned.
If you want to make any changes that you afterward want to post, I'd say contact the original creator as a courtesy. He or she might appreciate your changes and wish to incorporate them in the design. If the changes are significant enough for credit, drathe could always change the description if the PDF is to be replaced.
If instead you'd like to do the changes alone, be sure to give the original creator credit for the extent of his or her work, and everything should be fine.
Hello brother.Teldurn wrote:I've had the very nagging (in a good way) urge to go balls-in in modifying the original HQ rules to my tastes. As I kept thinking about what I wanted, the scope of the project kept expanding. This is definitely still a work in progress, and I'm looking for feedback for these ideas. Here's what I've got so far. Note that for many of the rules, I will be cherry-picking what other people have done, if I don't come up with something new myself. Naturally, credit will be given in the package, and it will be made available for everyone to check out. This is going to be kind of stream-of-consciousness, so I beg your pardon if it seems rambly. No time to organize these thoughts properly.
Gold Bearer wrote:Hello brother.Teldurn wrote:I've had the very nagging (in a good way) urge to go balls-in in modifying the original HQ rules to my tastes. As I kept thinking about what I wanted, the scope of the project kept expanding. This is definitely still a work in progress, and I'm looking for feedback for these ideas. Here's what I've got so far. Note that for many of the rules, I will be cherry-picking what other people have done, if I don't come up with something new myself. Naturally, credit will be given in the package, and it will be made available for everyone to check out. This is going to be kind of stream-of-consciousness, so I beg your pardon if it seems rambly. No time to organize these thoughts properly.![]()
Warning: I can seem blunt when I type (actually in person as well at times) but I'm not being nasty. If I didn't like your ideas I wouldn't be commenting. This is all based on the first post. I will read the rest so sorry if you addressed some of these later.
Mostly great. Don't like the knight though. Very unappealing if each player only has one character and useless skill for a solo quest.
Maybe the Monk could simply attack twice if he doesn't move?
The Paladin should defend with either shield instead of skulls just because they're shields and it wouldn't alter him at all.
"(normally the range on bows is the Hero's max Body Points)" I like that. I thought about ranges but decided against it.
Why would a thief steal from a monster? I presume if the monsters have money then the heroes get it anyway when they kill them, or is it simply to stop other heroes from getting it. Useless if there's only one hero player.
Warlord skill doesn't seem very useful. Underpowered.
Warrior's really overpowered compared to the others. I wouldn't even consider anyone else. That's a hell of a skill if you think about it. I've got a character like that (I'm still trying to find my original stuff) but with major restrictions in other areas to compensate.
I don't like the name 'acrobat'. Can't think of a better one though. I think it's a good name for a skill but not a class.
I really like the ... hunter. Simple and a nice idea. I might have to steal that as a later skill for my ranger if you don't mind.
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