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Postby The Evil Wizard » Wednesday October 11th, 2023 2:49pm

Hi All!

I'm The Evil Wizard - it sounds better in Greek (O Kakos o Magos), from where I am originally. I live in Scotland for the last 5 years and I've recently brought home my two classic HeroQuest boxes, along with Kelar's Keep, and bought the Return of the Witch Lord at a very good price yesterday.

I do paint for a long time (mostly GW and 40K stuff) so I've been trying to paint my miniatures, but personal and work life get in the way.

I try to keep my games as much as possibly close to the original state, but it's kind of difficult.

In any case, happy to be here, I've know about the 'Ye Olde Inn' for many years but I just decided to join the forums. I hope to see a lot of good stuff and post my versions and work as well!
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Re: Hello All

Postby The Admiral » Wednesday October 11th, 2023 4:17pm

I like your logo. Best treasure card by far, and a real shame it isn't in the new 2021 version.

Grin's Stone Map Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Crushed a powerful Chaos Warrior! Smashed a massive Gargoyle!
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Re: Hello All

Postby Chwat » Wednesday October 11th, 2023 4:59pm

|_P |_P |_P Welcome to the group
:skull: I am not affiliated to the EBAY shop below, but they sell Cracking proxies and more. :skull:
:whiteshield: https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/miniaturesbo ... 492.l74602 :whiteshield:

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Re: Hello All

Postby Kurgan » Thursday October 12th, 2023 12:31am

Welcome to the forum and community!

The Admiral wrote:I like your logo. Best treasure card by far, and a real shame it isn't in the new 2021 version.

I printed a copy, so it's in my deck and you'll see it if you play with me. (hope that didn't sound too creepy~!)

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Re: Hello All

Postby The Admiral » Thursday October 12th, 2023 3:59am

It always cracks me up for some reason. The image of the hero feverishly ferreting around the room, lifting books, looking under tables and opening draws. And then an expectant companion eagerly asks 'so what did you find?'.

Grin's Stone Map Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Crushed a powerful Chaos Warrior! Smashed a massive Gargoyle!
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Re: Hello All

Postby The Evil Wizard » Thursday October 12th, 2023 1:00pm

The Admiral wrote:I like your logo. Best treasure card by far, and a real shame it isn't in the new 2021 version.

Thanks The Admiral! Ahahaha, I know, he looks brilliantly baffled, doesn't he? I'd forgotten about this card until I was sorting out my boxes the other day, and though of it to be hilarious :lol:

In any case, here's a few pictures of what I've been working on the last few days, since I brought my boxes back. Hope it's not considered spamming:






Also, Return of The Witch Lord arrived today, so yay!


Unfortunately, no boxes neither for Kellar's Keep, nor for Return, so I need to sort this out somehow. I am going to order some foam trays from Feldherr at some point, and they have both boxes for Kellar's Keep and Return of the Witch Lord, so probably I'll sort some prints to stick on the box instead. But it would be nice if I had the original boxes to go with my collection..
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Re: Hello All

Postby StratosVX » Thursday October 12th, 2023 2:12pm

The Evil Wizard wrote:In any case, here's a few pictures of what I've been working on the last few days, since I brought my boxes back. Hope it's not considered spamming:

Posting pictures of your HQ collection or your homebrew materials, etc. isn't spamming here. It's encouraged.

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Re: Hello All

Postby The Admiral » Thursday October 12th, 2023 4:38pm

Brings back many happy memories of those early HQ days.

Grin's Stone Map Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Crushed a powerful Chaos Warrior! Smashed a massive Gargoyle!
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Re: Hello All

Postby HispaZargon » Thursday October 12th, 2023 5:03pm

Welcome to the Inn, The Evil Wizard. We feel so glad seeing new members coming to the forum and sharing their thoughts and HQ stuff.

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