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Hello from the west coast of Canada (sorf of)

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Hello from the west coast of Canada (sorf of)

Postby fatbore » Monday May 1st, 2023 11:42am

Greetings everyone!

I'm around an hour east from Vancouver, BC, but I think I can get away with saying I'm on the west coast...

I used to play HeroQuest as a teenager when I was living in the Canadian Prairies (Winnipeg, Manitoba), playing as Zargon versus my two younger brothers, and always making sure that they had fun and never died.

I've always been jealous of all the people that have contributed to the hobby over the years: people who maintain sites like Ye Olde Inn, or are creating new content, or post pictures and history on my favourite game in my youth. Because of family and work commitments, I could never find enough time to fully enjoy and immerse myself in any hobby I might be interested in.

I give credit to all of you that have maintained the flame and enthusiasm for HeroQuest!

Now that my daughter (and two granddaughters) have moved back in with her partner, and I've found a job which lets me work from home, I have more time for everything: home fixes, exercising and getting healthy, enjoying a less stressful work life AND HeroQuest

Thanks for having me!

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Evil Sorcerer: Zargon


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Re: Hello from the west coast of Canada (sorf of)

Postby StratosVX » Monday May 1st, 2023 6:05pm

Welcome to the Inn! I have never been creative enough to come up with quest material myself so I have been jealous of all the people here that have that talent.

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Re: Hello from the west coast of Canada (sorf of)

Postby Daedalus » Thursday May 4th, 2023 1:49pm

More time for Hero Quest . . . I think we all can relate to that. Glad to hear your Quest is resuming and your life affords you more happiness.

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Re: Hello from the west coast of Canada (sorf of)

Postby Kurgan » Friday May 5th, 2023 1:05pm

Welcome and I hope you have fun!

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