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Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!
Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
ajjohnsen wrote:I am very excited/hopeful that my kids will love Heroquest as well...but who knows. My daughters are 4 and almost 3 and my son is just about 1, so I've got some more time until they're the age where they can actually enjoy and understand the game. At the risk of sounding a way Im not trying to come off, does anyone have any experience with their daughters taking an interest in the game? I know it's a "typically boys" type of game but now with the female counterparts for each Hero I dont see why girls cant be more interested in the fantasy genre as having both my daughters play with me would be a dream come true
SaoirseIRL wrote:Hello fellow adventurers!
Of late we are putting together a gothic vampire type quest book and have the first quest done on hquestbuilder. I'm looking forward to getting the hang of this website, YeOldInn and finding icons and cards for all our creatures, I can imagine many people have already crafted vampires, skeleton archers, werewolves etc.
Any help on where to source these icons or cards would be much appreciated and add to my son and I discussions as tease out the storyline, tricks and traps while on the way home from swimming practice.
ajjohnsen wrote:I am very excited/hopeful that my kids will love Heroquest as well...but who knows. My daughters are 4 and almost 3 and my son is just about 1, so I've got some more time until they're the age where they can actually enjoy and understand the game. At the risk of sounding a way Im not trying to come off, does anyone have any experience with their daughters taking an interest in the game? I know it's a "typically boys" type of game but now with the female counterparts for each Hero I dont see why girls cant be more interested in the fantasy genre as having both my daughters play with me would be a dream come true
ajjohnsen wrote:I am very excited/hopeful that my kids will love Heroquest as well...but who knows. My daughters are 4 and almost 3 and my son is just about 1, so I've got some more time until they're the age where they can actually enjoy and understand the game. At the risk of sounding a way Im not trying to come off, does anyone have any experience with their daughters taking an interest in the game? I know it's a "typically boys" type of game but now with the female counterparts for each Hero I dont see why girls cant be more interested in the fantasy genre as having both my daughters play with me would be a dream come true
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