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Greetings from Ireland

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Greetings from Ireland

Postby SaoirseIRL » Wednesday January 18th, 2023 2:51pm

Hello fellow adventurers!

Let me introduce myself, I hail from Ireland and was a massive fan of Heroquest back in the late 80s and early 90s. I had the main game KK, ROTWL and also the make your own quest book with the stickers. Unfortunately rhey have all been long since lost to the sands of time and the epic clean ups my dad would unleash upon the house from time to time. I used to play as a kid with my friends and as I recall, always was Zargon. I laugh now as back then I used to put all the pieces out on the board, and maybe the monsters too but can't recall.

Before Christmas I came across Heroquest again and was surprised to see it had been released. I thought it would make a great game for my son and so we opened it in early Christmas to coincide with a trip to my sister and her kids. The game was an instant hit with my son and his cousins, I enjoyed how the app allowed me to take part too.

Over Xmas my sons 2 best friends more or less lived in our house as we worked away through to Quest 11, having a great time of it. The awakening of all this nostalgia has led me to dig out my old Fighting Fantasy books. Bedtimes with my 7 year old are now either HQ, or more reading on Irish myths and legends, he's been thoroughly sucked into the fantasy world, of which I've always loved. It's been great to bond and share this with him.

Of late we are cobbling together a gothic vampire type quest book and have the first quest done on hquestbuilder. I'm looking forward to getting the hang of this website, YeOldInn and finding icons and cards for all our creatures, I can imagine many people have already crafted vampires, skeleton archers, werewolves etc.
Any help on where to source these icons or cards would be much appreciated and add to my son and I discussions as tease out the storyline, tricks and traps while on the way home from swimming practice.

I'm also looking forward to becoming part of this great community and sharing the years of experience and ideas on this site.

Go raibh maith agat!
Last edited by SaoirseIRL on Friday March 8th, 2024 10:35am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Greetings from Ireland

Postby QorDaq » Wednesday January 18th, 2023 5:48pm

Great intro there. It's always cool to hear about people introducing their kids to HQ.

Welcome to the Inn... Lots of great folks and fan-content to be found here.
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Re: Greetings from Ireland

Postby Kurgan » Thursday January 19th, 2023 12:45am

Cool stories, thanks for sharing and "welcome back" ! |_P

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Re: Greetings from Ireland

Postby ajjohnsen » Thursday January 19th, 2023 10:00am

I am very excited/hopeful that my kids will love Heroquest as well...but who knows. My daughters are 4 and almost 3 and my son is just about 1, so I've got some more time until they're the age where they can actually enjoy and understand the game. At the risk of sounding a way Im not trying to come off, does anyone have any experience with their daughters taking an interest in the game? I know it's a "typically boys" type of game but now with the female counterparts for each Hero I dont see why girls cant be more interested in the fantasy genre as having both my daughters play with me would be a dream come true

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Re: Greetings from Ireland

Postby QorDaq » Thursday January 19th, 2023 6:41pm

ajjohnsen wrote:I am very excited/hopeful that my kids will love Heroquest as well...but who knows. My daughters are 4 and almost 3 and my son is just about 1, so I've got some more time until they're the age where they can actually enjoy and understand the game. At the risk of sounding a way Im not trying to come off, does anyone have any experience with their daughters taking an interest in the game? I know it's a "typically boys" type of game but now with the female counterparts for each Hero I dont see why girls cant be more interested in the fantasy genre as having both my daughters play with me would be a dream come true

I have one of each, and both played HQ (and other games) to some degree when they were young. My biggest take away as a parent, was to not worry too much about enforcing the "Rules" too early. Both of my children mostly wanted to play for the toy factor when they were little. I had the 1990s' Frozen Horror and The Mage of the Mirror. My daughter did like playing the female versions of the characters, but it didn't stop her from playing the Wizard or the Dwarf, though we had a lot of minis around so she could swap out proxies if she liked.

My daughter (mostly) lost interest in board gaming by the time she started hanging out with her peers more. I don't know that-that was a gender thing so much as a cultural one, her female friends were not into table top gaming-- she still plays video games as an adult. With my son, he still loves board games, enjoys HQ, and also plays video games. So do his peers, my daughter's peers do not. If I am honest with myself though, by the time my son came along, I was older and more patient with him about letting him decide how he wanted to play games when he was very young, and we'd often make up our own rules in the moment, but we'd talk about what the purpose of a given rule was. Over time he developed an interest in understanding the underlying mechanisms behind the rules of a game. These days he actually enjoys reading rulebooks.

Take from that what you will, but in my case, I really think it had as much to do with the approach to learning to game, in concert with the personalities of my children, as much or more so than gender on its own. Granting that my data set was really tiny of course.

My best suggestion would be to let your kids guide you, and enjoy the time you're spending with them for what it is. Understanding the ideas of fair play and "Balance" in a rule set takes time, but just setting up a quest and seeing where it goes doesn't in the big picture. Sappy I know, but they really do "grow up" much more quickly you're likely prepared for. They'll let you know what they like doing, and how they want to do it.

Success to you and your family in figuring out your gaming stride.
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Re: Greetings from Ireland

Postby Daedalus » Friday January 20th, 2023 9:14am

SaoirseIRL wrote:Hello fellow adventurers!
Of late we are putting together a gothic vampire type quest book and have the first quest done on hquestbuilder. I'm looking forward to getting the hang of this website, YeOldInn and finding icons and cards for all our creatures, I can imagine many people have already crafted vampires, skeleton archers, werewolves etc.
Any help on where to source these icons or cards would be much appreciated and add to my son and I discussions as tease out the storyline, tricks and traps while on the way home from swimming practice.

Go to the bottom of the {Homepage} to search for vampire quests (maybe) and Sjeng's related monster cards.

Start at Board index ‹ HeroQuest Rooms ‹ HeroQuest Additions ‹ Icons to find Derfel Link's icons.

Enter "vampire" in the Inn's search window at the top -right of forum pages to find related posts.

Try searching Board index ‹ HeroQuest Rooms ‹ HeroQuest Additions ‹ Quests and Quest Packs for vampire stuff.

Good hunting!

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Re: Greetings from Ireland

Postby SaoirseIRL » Monday January 23rd, 2023 4:41pm

ajjohnsen wrote:I am very excited/hopeful that my kids will love Heroquest as well...but who knows. My daughters are 4 and almost 3 and my son is just about 1, so I've got some more time until they're the age where they can actually enjoy and understand the game. At the risk of sounding a way Im not trying to come off, does anyone have any experience with their daughters taking an interest in the game? I know it's a "typically boys" type of game but now with the female counterparts for each Hero I dont see why girls cant be more interested in the fantasy genre as having both my daughters play with me would be a dream come true

I have no daughters, but one of my son's best friend's is a girl and she has been enjoying Heroquest as much as her brother or my son. I've even went and got a female barbarian for her. It was more about immersion for her I think, than maybe initially being drawn to the game.

Thanks Daedalus for the links, I've now found a lot of what myself and my son have been searching for. Just wondering now whether to print some of the cards on our printer and then laminate them or go for the full online card making websites.

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Re: Greetings from Ireland

Postby j_dean80 » Monday January 23rd, 2023 6:31pm

ajjohnsen wrote:I am very excited/hopeful that my kids will love Heroquest as well...but who knows. My daughters are 4 and almost 3 and my son is just about 1, so I've got some more time until they're the age where they can actually enjoy and understand the game. At the risk of sounding a way Im not trying to come off, does anyone have any experience with their daughters taking an interest in the game? I know it's a "typically boys" type of game but now with the female counterparts for each Hero I dont see why girls cant be more interested in the fantasy genre as having both my daughters play with me would be a dream come true

My daughter is 13 and still continues to enjoy playing for several years now.
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