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Hail and Greetings, fellow questors!

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Hail and Greetings, fellow questors!

Postby Markus Darwath » Monday November 21st, 2022 3:24am

Having newly registered here after lurking a short while, I figured I would introduce myself. My handle (dating myself with the use of that term) is of course at the top of this post. You may feel free to address me by whatever variant of said name you like (Markus, Mark, Darwath, MD... it's all good).

I played a lot of HQ with friends and family back in the 90s. I had acquired not only the base game, but all the expansions I could lay my hands on, Kellar's Keep, Return of the Witch Lord, Barbarian Quest Pack, and Elf Quest pack. Also purchased Advanced Hero Quest by GW and Dragon Strike (I think that was also MB), to end up mostly using the components of those games in expanding Hero Quest. I still have most of the minis, tiles, and cards from all of those sets, but sadly the boxes, boards, and booklets all fell victim to a wet basement situation.

My regular RPG group really got it's start from HQ all those years ago. I'd gotten a group of friends together to play on a weekly basis, and after a while we naturally ran through all the published quests and moved on to home-brew. These sessions started adding more and more role-play until we just jumped over to D&D. At that point about half our group were experienced D&D players and the other half were pretty well brand new to it. Our first foray into D&D started with playtesting a home-brew combat system where we borrowed the opposed roll concept from Hero Quest. Rather than rolling to hit a static armor class, and then random damage by weapon type, we had the targets also roll first to avoid the attack altogether and then to mitigate damage with their armor. This was DM'ed by our most experienced player, who ran us through the Temple of Elemental Evil set in his own campaign world. It ended up taking us nearly 2 years to get through that scenario, after which we decided that although our opposed roll combat was functional and felt more "realistic" it was ultimately too slow in resolving encounters. To this day I still use the HQ minis for D&D combat, freely using them to proxy for both characters and monsters as best I can.

In any event, I found Ye Old Inn after recently learning of the Avalon Hill HQ remake and searching for all HQ related resources I could find. I'm mildly disappointed that I long since missed the chance to get in on all the kickstarter extras, but I've nonetheless ordered everything currently available. I already have the new Kellar's Keep, Return of the Witch Lord, Frozen Horror, and Roue Heir of Elethorn in my possession. Still waiting on the base game as it was temporarily out of stock when I placed my order. Amazon did have it showing as being up for delivery today (Sunday) but apparently ran into some additional shipping delay. I'm hoping I'll have it in time for our "friendsgiving" dinner and game night this Friday.

So there we have it. Sorry I seem to have rambled on quite a bit.
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Markus Darwath

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Re: Hail and Greetings, fellow questors!

Postby QorDaq » Monday November 21st, 2022 4:48pm

Welcome to the Inn.

Lots of great folks here, and plenty of homebrew and historical resources to peruse.
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Re: Hail and Greetings, fellow questors!

Postby HispaZargon » Monday November 21st, 2022 10:26pm

Welcome to the Inn, Markus!

I see you have good old school stories, then this is surely a great place for you. Come on, let"s go inside...

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Re: Hail and Greetings, fellow questors!

Postby lpblanks » Tuesday November 22nd, 2022 1:58pm

Well met! I also lurk way more than I post but always happy to see new folks around these parts.

Looking forward to seeing you around more!

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