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Hi! I'm Gatch!

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Hi! I'm Gatch!

Postby Gatch » Thursday November 11th, 2021 2:12am

Hello there. You may call me Gatch. I've only recently gotten my own HeroQuest board, though I have some prior HeroQuest experience thanks to my older brother. But now that I have a board of my own, I hope to play it with friends and family. I know some family members are getting theirs as a Christmas present, so hopefully that will be fun. But I've enjoyed what I played of HeroQuest, and I hope having a board of my own will let me play it with more people.

I do hope we get along here.
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Re: Hi! I'm Gatch!

Postby Kurgan » Thursday November 11th, 2021 2:16am

Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay at the Inn.

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Re: Hi! I'm Gatch!

Postby Daedalus » Thursday November 11th, 2021 3:57am

Welcome, Gatch--happy to hear from ya! Do you have the older 90s version? If so, the Inn has loads of files and topics to peruse. On the other hand, if you got the new Avalon Hill version, congratulations! There are a number of very active topics discussing the game right now.

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Re: Hi! I'm Gatch!

Postby iKarith » Thursday November 11th, 2021 8:43am

Gatch wrote:Hello there. You may call me Gatch. I've only recently gotten my own HeroQuest board, though I have some prior HeroQuest experience thanks to my older brother. But now that I have a board of my own, I hope to play it with friends and family. I know some family members are getting theirs as a Christmas present, so hopefully that will be fun. But I've enjoyed what I played of HeroQuest, and I hope having a board of my own will let me play it with more people.

Welcome! What edition are you playing, if you know?

Gatch wrote:I do hope we get along here.

We usually do … Sometimes a little less so if we get too far off topic, but we all love this game. :D
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Re: Hi! I'm Gatch!

Postby Kurgan » Thursday November 11th, 2021 1:13pm

Another great thing about HeroQuest is due to the dearth of changes in the Remake edition (for NA players anyway), you can easily use any of the new content others have created in your newly purchased game. Likewise, the classic version, being not very different from the Remake, should be fully compatible in most respects.

A few word/mini substitutions here or there and you've opened up a world of new content...

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Re: Hi! I'm Gatch!

Postby iKarith » Tuesday June 14th, 2022 1:21pm

Mini substitutions and tile rescales, generally.
<InSpectreRetro> All hail Zargon!!! Morcar only has 1BP.

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Re: Hi! I'm Gatch!

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday June 14th, 2022 5:28pm

Bunch of new Reaper bones figures out this month that would fit right in. If I didn't already have enough Ogres I might be tempted to snag some of those, they look great.

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