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embarking on a new adventure

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embarking on a new adventure

Postby straydog1980 » Sunday March 17th, 2019 2:26pm

Hello all!

I had a copy of HeroQuest when it was first released back in 1989. Unfortunately I did not have it for long as I got sick (on the box) and my parents threw it away. I've been waiting years and years for the "right" deal to come along and finally found a copy of the game with Kellar's Keep, 100% complete in extremely good condition. It was an investment but one I knew was worth making. I prayed that my wife and son would have fun adventuring and, thankfully, I was right! We have done 6 of the first 14 quests in the last two days and we are all having a blast.

I look forward to pouring through all the content on this site and hopefully getting some advice on how to get the most out of our HeroQuest adventures!


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Re: embarking on a new adventure

Postby lestodante » Sunday March 17th, 2019 3:25pm

Welcome to this new adventure!!! After you'll finish all the 14 quests, I suggest to go on with Kellar's Keep first and then try to catch a copy of Return of the Witch Lord too.
Then you can start to watch at custom questpack or go on with the other 2 big Questpacks (USA: Barbarian and Elf Quest Packs; EUR: Against the Ogre Horde and Wizards of Morcar)

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