KrautScientist here. I am a thirtysomething hobbyist from Germany who, like so many others, was actually introduced to the entire wargaming/tabletop/roleplaying conglomerate of hobbies by way of HeroQuest, which I received as a Christmas gift back when I must have been about ten years old. I remember playing the first games that very evening with my parents, and many hours spent coming up with my own games, playing with or against friends and trawling fleamarkets and garage sales for all kinds of retro-GW games and miniatures back in the day -- as long as it had HeroQuest-esque models, I bought it and entered it into my growing collection: HeroQuest, Advanced HeroQuest, Battle Masters and a couple of similar board games that were marketed as boardgame versions of longrunning German RPG series "Das Schwarze Auge" -- it all grew into a huge pantheon of heroes and monsters for me, and I still have fond memories of that time. I also made my first attempts at painting models back then. And they were absolutely horrible, of course

Today I am still in the hobby and spend most of my time converting and painting quite a few of GW's modern models. I also maintain a blog here, in case anyone's interested. And every once in a while, I feel reminded of the golden days of yore and feel a half-baked plan of finally painting that copy of HeroQuest I still own. And after a couple of false starts in previous years, I get the feeling that 2018 might just be the year where it finally happens. I came upon some hero models from HQ and Advanced HQ and just couldn't bear to look at the terrible paintjobs my younger self had left them with. Take a look:

This just couldn't be allowed to stand! So before I knew what I was doing, I had this:

Then one thing led to another, I kept digging through my old HQ box, only to discover that the set was still almost complete (save for one Man-at-arms and a couple of cardboard components), and spending far too much time browsing through the various sections here at Ye Olde Inn

Painting up the 30-ish models that are required for the "basic" set no longer seems like such an insurmountable challenge these days, so I might just turn this into one of my bigger hobby projects for 2019. Here's what I have so far:

The monsters were painted during a previous attempt in 2014, so they will need to be touched up here and there.
Anyway, hello everyone! I guess you'll be seeing me around the forum! And please feel welcome to let me know what you think!