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Greetings from KrautScientist!

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Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby KrautScientist » Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 10:55am

Hello everyone,

KrautScientist here. I am a thirtysomething hobbyist from Germany who, like so many others, was actually introduced to the entire wargaming/tabletop/roleplaying conglomerate of hobbies by way of HeroQuest, which I received as a Christmas gift back when I must have been about ten years old. I remember playing the first games that very evening with my parents, and many hours spent coming up with my own games, playing with or against friends and trawling fleamarkets and garage sales for all kinds of retro-GW games and miniatures back in the day -- as long as it had HeroQuest-esque models, I bought it and entered it into my growing collection: HeroQuest, Advanced HeroQuest, Battle Masters and a couple of similar board games that were marketed as boardgame versions of longrunning German RPG series "Das Schwarze Auge" -- it all grew into a huge pantheon of heroes and monsters for me, and I still have fond memories of that time. I also made my first attempts at painting models back then. And they were absolutely horrible, of course ;)

Today I am still in the hobby and spend most of my time converting and painting quite a few of GW's modern models. I also maintain a blog here, in case anyone's interested. And every once in a while, I feel reminded of the golden days of yore and feel a half-baked plan of finally painting that copy of HeroQuest I still own. And after a couple of false starts in previous years, I get the feeling that 2018 might just be the year where it finally happens. I came upon some hero models from HQ and Advanced HQ and just couldn't bear to look at the terrible paintjobs my younger self had left them with. Take a look:


This just couldn't be allowed to stand! So before I knew what I was doing, I had this:


Then one thing led to another, I kept digging through my old HQ box, only to discover that the set was still almost complete (save for one Man-at-arms and a couple of cardboard components), and spending far too much time browsing through the various sections here at Ye Olde Inn ;) So I thought I might as well join up.

Painting up the 30-ish models that are required for the "basic" set no longer seems like such an insurmountable challenge these days, so I might just turn this into one of my bigger hobby projects for 2019. Here's what I have so far:


The monsters were painted during a previous attempt in 2014, so they will need to be touched up here and there.

Anyway, hello everyone! I guess you'll be seeing me around the forum! And please feel welcome to let me know what you think! :)

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Re: Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby Kitch1982 » Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 11:43am

I think these are fantastic! I thought i'd done a good job with mine until i saw these, well done. I will try and post some of my efforts later tonight! Welcome to the forum. 8-)

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Re: Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 12:10pm

Gudd'n Tach! |_P
By all means, keep it up! The models look very good.
I especially like the Dwarf's beard and face and the Wizard's staff.
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Re: Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby Thor-in » Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 12:12pm

Very nice brush work you have there and welcome. Glad to have another devoted HQ member. |_P
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Re: Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 12:35pm

Good job salvaging your initial train wreck :lol:
And welcome to the inn |_P

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Re: Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby KrautScientist » Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 12:56pm

Thanks a lot for the warm welcome, everyone! I feel right at home! :)

Glad to hear you like the paintjobs -- the previous ones were, indeed, train wrecks. I cannot begin to fathom what the heck I was thinking back at the time. So if nothing else, it felt great to salvage these models. I also had such fun returning to that bright, high-fantasy HeroQuest look: I was terrified of painting that wizard model, but in the end, I had such a blast.

Come to think of it, my first ever attempt to paint something was actually on a HeroQuest Zombie, and I still have my various attempts, which serve as a pretty good yardstick on how my painting has improved over the years ;)


Say, could anyone tell me which part of the forum, if any, would be appropriate for posting an ongoing log for my project of painting the entire set? I find ongoing WIP logs actually help me to stay focused, and the other forum I am most active on (The Bolter & Chainsword) doesn't allow non-40k content.

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Re: Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby Spookyhappyfun » Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 3:59pm

These look amazing! Welcome!

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Re: Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby lestodante » Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 6:48pm

Welcome to the inn! Cool marble effect on the wizard's staff and his eyes are also very meaning! They all look very nice in that pic with the keys, it has a nice vintage style!
I'll wait to see you reaching your goal to complete all the set. But now there's no more time to talk, you have to go and face your first quest: "The Rescue of the Elf Friend", only then you'll be ready to start your journey.
Good luck my friend.

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Re: Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby KrautScientist » Thursday January 24th, 2019 12:02pm

Again, thanks everyone! :)

@ lestodante: I guess what you're trying to say is that I should paint the Elf, isn't it? ;) I hear you! And the best thing is that it won't even have to be a salvage job: All the remaining hero figures from both HeroQuest and Advanced HeroQuest that I own are still pristine.

The bad news, however, is that between me and the Elf are quite a few bloodthirsty Orcs -- I actually want to reward myself for painting all of the Orcs in the set with painting the Elf last, something I am very much looking forward to. Spent quite a bit of time yesterday trying to get rid of some of the truly ungodly mold lines on the Orc models, and I have a painting session lined up for tomorrow, so wish me luck! :)

Also, allow me to repeat my earlier question -- maybe someone can help me out with this: Could anyone tell me which part of the forum, if any, would be appropriate for posting an ongoing log for my project of painting the entire set? I find ongoing WIP logs actually help me to stay focused.

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Re: Greetings from KrautScientist!

Postby Thor-in » Thursday January 24th, 2019 12:26pm

KrautScientist wrote:
Also, allow me to repeat my earlier question -- maybe someone can help me out with this: Could anyone tell me which part of the forum, if any, would be appropriate for posting an ongoing log for my project of painting the entire set? I find ongoing WIP logs actually help me to stay focused.

I put mine in the following location.

HeroQuest Rooms--->HeroQuest Additions--->Miniatures


Then you can start a topic of your progress.
Hope that helps.
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