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benvoliothefirst, Warseer Refugee

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benvoliothefirst, Warseer Refugee

Postby benvoliothefirst » Friday October 7th, 2016 2:31pm

Hey All!

Like many of you, I started with HeroQuest and then proceeded to BattleMasters and Warhammer Quest, and then my high school friends and I took the plunge and bought Warhammer armies, I believe it was 4th edition at the time. I took undead because I heard painting skellies was the fastest, but then I'm a modeller, so of course I had to put eight layers of shading and washes on each one!

I took a long break from the hobby to attend school and take parental leave, but now that my son is two I've really gotta bust ass to get all my old mini's painted before he's old enough to play! I've got a plog here: http://wickedmetal.blogspot.com/ and I've started getting stuck in to my Silver Tower set, because I'm a GW shill and they own my soul. Comments and general faffery are encouraged. Looking forward to diving in to a new round of HeroQuest with a few work buddies who also remember it from their childhood!

And since you read this far, a bonus: my paint station! Image
wickedmetal.blogspot.com <--I paint HeroQuest!
My players' monthly game results
Mods I Use:
Base Quests in four difficulty steps by Anderas
Random Events by Jacob Busby (pg.5)
Karlen's Circlet by AerynB/drathe/sajungzak
Heartfelt thanks to all of you who have worked to enrich the world of HeroQuest!
Goblin-King wrote:When life gives you lemons, squeeze those lemons into your eyes, enter a berserker rage and punch life in the face!

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Re: benvoliothefirst, Warseer Refugee

Postby Daedalus » Saturday February 18th, 2017 6:45pm

It's good to see your painted set at the blog, ready to play. Your Morcar is a treat. I remember it from Old Scratch.

Wizard of Zargon Group Member Grin's Stone Map Played a turn in five (5) Play-by-Post games. Created a Hot Topic. Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy!Crushed a powerful Chaos Warrior! Smashed a massive Gargoyle! Encountered all eight (8) Game System monsters. Encountered a menacing Chaos Warlock!
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Re: benvoliothefirst, Warseer Refugee

Postby benvoliothefirst » Thursday November 22nd, 2018 12:05pm

I haven't posted an update to my blog in quite a while, so for those who haven't seen it before:

https://wickedmetal.blogspot.com/2018/11/wip-heroquest-ogres.html Yay ogres!
wickedmetal.blogspot.com <--I paint HeroQuest!
My players' monthly game results
Mods I Use:
Base Quests in four difficulty steps by Anderas
Random Events by Jacob Busby (pg.5)
Karlen's Circlet by AerynB/drathe/sajungzak
Heartfelt thanks to all of you who have worked to enrich the world of HeroQuest!
Goblin-King wrote:When life gives you lemons, squeeze those lemons into your eyes, enter a berserker rage and punch life in the face!

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Re: benvoliothefirst, Warseer Refugee

Postby Thantos » Friday November 23rd, 2018 7:24am

Awesome stuff :D Now paint them ;) ;)

Do you have the ogre hoard expansion?
Models. Plastic Injection. Resin Casting. High Res 3D Printing . Macro 3D Scanning .

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Re: benvoliothefirst, Warseer Refugee

Postby benvoliothefirst » Friday November 23rd, 2018 8:56pm

Thanks Thantos. I don't have the ogre expansion, didn't even know that any existed beyond Kellar's and RotWL until I found Old Scratch's and this site! I got a couple of the ogres off eBay and printed out the quest book from here. And I'm very much looking forward to putting Boris' ogre s into the mix!

...you two are responsible for a large portion of my painting "to do" pile. Well, you and my own lack of self-control! Lol
wickedmetal.blogspot.com <--I paint HeroQuest!
My players' monthly game results
Mods I Use:
Base Quests in four difficulty steps by Anderas
Random Events by Jacob Busby (pg.5)
Karlen's Circlet by AerynB/drathe/sajungzak
Heartfelt thanks to all of you who have worked to enrich the world of HeroQuest!
Goblin-King wrote:When life gives you lemons, squeeze those lemons into your eyes, enter a berserker rage and punch life in the face!

Participated in a Miniature Exchange. Encountered a menacing Chaos Warlock!
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