I don't quite feel like making a topic for such a small introduction, but after lurking for a good while I decided to join. I was aware of HeroQuest before, but only this year (after serendipitously finding a complete Space Crusade from a second hand store) I decided to purchase the Hasbro re-release.
My background is in miniature games, I first got into Warhammer some 15 years ago, but also have tinkered with Mordheim and 40K. Since then it's been an on and off -hobby.
We have a small group of three friends to play HQ, I'm the Zargon. Previously we have completed both Gloomhaven and Jaws of the Lion, so we have quite some experience when it comes to fantasy adventuring. From the start, we were all very actively pushing house rules to our HQ games. The Inn has been an excellent provider of inspiration, however pretty much of the stuff I have developed further for our group. Our group enjoys the simplicity and lightness of the rules and we don't wanna change the game too much, though. My biggest (and evilest) creation at the moment is my table of "Ploys" - basically Space Crusade's alien deck with 60 nasty tricks for Zargon. Oldhammerers know what I'm talking about when I say that Caslon Antique is a must, heh.
I'll be lurking here, maybe posting at times, but also admiring the creativity and passion of people here when it comes to HeroQuest.
(Do I get banned if I hypothetically said that HQ was the
second best fantasy adventure game ever?)
Hey there! I am wearing pants.