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Re: Guest Book

Postby HeroQuestFrance » Thursday January 15th, 2009 12:36pm

Hello all !

I join your forum and hope it will be a big community on the web.
HeroQuest is now in the hands of Hasbro (and no more half Hasbro/MB & Games Workshop) which may re-release the game until right now we have to be positive and constructive.

I discovered this fantastic game in late in december '92 and could get all expansions worldwide few months later.
I still play with more evoluted rulez this game weekly,using sometimes the original board or better things (dwarven forge stuff etc) and this game will never die.

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Re: Guest Book

Postby drathe » Thursday January 15th, 2009 8:37pm

Never letting the game die is the master plan here. I hope we have a large thriving community on these forums. It's still fairly new and membership growth is slow going. Those who are here do have great ideas and constructive criticisms though. Tell all your HeroQuest friends to come along and join the fun!

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Re: Guest Book

Postby Gronkthefat » Tuesday February 17th, 2009 8:52am

Wow, just found this website and absolutely had to sign up.

I had heroquest all those years ago when I was a boy and finally got it back out the loft and dusted it off. Now I'm a man (supposedly) it's even more fun. Managed to get a group of friends playing it weekly and it's good to know there's still a thriving comunnity out there creating new stuff and sharing ideas.

I'm hoping to try out some of the great looking user created quests here and hopefully come up with a few of my own.

I look forward to chatting with you all about this great game soon. Laters.
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Re: Guest Book

Postby drathe » Tuesday February 17th, 2009 10:42am

Welcome Gronk the Fat,

I'm glad you enjoy the site and I look forward to your discussions and ideas. I really like your signature. Sounds like you have an entertaining group of Heroes crawling around the catacombs.

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Re: Guest Book

Postby stumbling tiger » Friday April 3rd, 2009 3:38pm

Hi everybody
I'm new to the forums and the game; in fact I don't own a copy of HQ yet, but hope to change that with time. Thanks for all the resources you've made available here! I'm in Berkeley, California (San Francisco Bay area) and at the moment I'm cobbling together a solo dungeon-crawler from old miniatures I already own and rules, quests, and tiles that I find on the web. Any tips you might have?
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Re: Guest Book

Postby drathe » Saturday April 4th, 2009 12:13pm

Welcome Stumbling Tiger!

It's always nice to have more people to have great discussions with. Our own Jon Usiak (who has yet to join the forum :evil: *shakes fist*) is from the San Francisco Bay area as well.

You really need to find a decent copy of HeroQuest as soon as you can. It's such a great game! But obviously, most of us here are biased in that opinion. :D Have you had a chance to at least play the game?

I've never attempted my own dungeon-crawler. At least, not yet. So my tips are few. If you're looking for some more resources for a random tile system, or one that is free from a solid state board layout, try HeroQuest Cooperation. They've designed a Modular HeroQuest system, similar to how Advanced HeroQuest was done. A fantastic resource for such an endeavour. Our own Design Tools page has plenty of card making resources. They are geared toward HeroQuest, but the standard template could be used for cards of most any game type. If you haven't been to the page yet, check it out! There's more than just Tiles and Quests here.

That's all I've got for now. If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to let you know. There may yet to be a fair number of people here, but thus far, everyone is experienced in fantasy gaming and may have more suggestions for you.

Don't forget to bring some friends by too. The more the merrier and everyone will benefit. One idea always spawns another.

Enjoy your stay!

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Re: Guest Book

Postby Jamesstrife » Friday May 8th, 2009 4:39pm

Great Site, lots of love for yall
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Re: Guest Book

Postby McLovin » Tuesday May 19th, 2009 1:46pm

Hello all! I've been away from HeroQuest for a long time...too long, as it is my favorite board game of all time. I'm from the greater Baltimore (Maryland) area, and recently I've been talking about board games at work with some board game enthusiasts which has re-awakened my love for HeroQuest. I dug out my old set from my mom's basement, and I might inventory the pieces tonight.

I have poked around the web at various times over the years, searching for HeroQuest resources & communities. I never really found a good one until last week when I stumbled across this one.

This site contains loads of information! I'm thrilled at the possibility of trying some of the European-only expansion quests I never got a chance to play (and are way too expensive on ebay). I'm excited about producing suitable replacement cards for the expansions I own that as I recall were just cutting up part of the manual (and *might* be missing - I was just a kid after all).

I am sad to see that the site may be in trouble. Even though I just discovered it, I'm already enamored by it! I hope everything works out.
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Re: Guest Book

Postby drathe » Wednesday May 20th, 2009 4:42pm

Welcome and thanks for the kind words. HeroQuest is a great game. We'll be here for as long as we can. There's still more exciting things in store for the year that we can hopefully get to enjoy. If you start some game groups, don't forget to drag them along with you when you visit Ye Olde Inn. It's great to hear from HQ veterans as well as new comers.

Played a turn in a Play-by-Post game. Wrote an article for the Blog. Created a Hot Topic. Participated in a Miniature Exchange. Zealot Miniatures: Twisting Catacombs Kickstarter Backer
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Postby Infrequent Elf » Thursday May 28th, 2009 7:05am

Infrequent Elf says hi... and wonders why he refers to himself in third person... <scratches head> maybe an elfin thing?

<wanders off>
"Green elf shot the food!"
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