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HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Brainstorming topics for the HeroQuest 25th Anniversary Quest Pack.

The Basilisk (Vote once for each question)

What stats do you want for the Basilisk?
No votes
a) Mv:8 At:3 De:5 BP:4 MP:3
b) Mv:8 At:4 De:5 BP:8 MP:4
c) Mv:8 At:4 De:3 BP:3 MP:1
d) Mv:8 At:3 De:4 BP:3 MP:2
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e) Mv:8 At:4 De:4 BP:3 MP:2
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f) Mv:8 At:4 De:3 BP:3 MP:2
No votes
g) Mv:8 At:3 De:4 BP:3 MP:3
No votes
No votes
No votes
What ability do you want for the Basilisk?
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A1) Attacked targets directly in front take undefendable MP damage for each black shield rolled .
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A2) Attacked targets directly in front stunned for his turn if a black shield is rolled.
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A3) Attacked targets directly in front can't defend for rest of turn if a black shield is rolled.
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B) As a ranged frontal attack, 1 AD petrify vs. 1DD.
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C) Roll 2 AD as an attack, if both skulls Hero must roll any shield or turned to stone with equipment (but not artifacts.)
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D1) Any black shield from attack must be defended by excess white shields or Hero must roll a poison check each turn and As an attack, 2 AD gaze vs. Hero's MPs, defend with MPs or turned to stone.
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D2) As a Cloud of Chaos spell/ranged attack
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D3) As a ranged attack, hits not defended using a Hero's MP cause MP damage and loss of turn. Turn to stone if MP reduced to zero, but artifacts are excluded.
No votes
D4) As a ranged attack, paralyze any one Hero--no move, attack, or defend. Break with a 6 using MP and red dice, rolling immediately and on future turns.
D5) As a 3-combat-dice ranged attack, hits not defended using a Hero's MPs cause BP damage and loss of turn. Turned to stone if BPs are reduced to zero, but doesn't affect artifacts.
No votes
D6) As a ranged attack, inflict 2 MPs of damage which are reduced by 1 for each 5 or 6 rolled by the Hero on two red dice. No move, attack, or defend on next turn if MPs are lost. If MPs are reduced to zero, remove Hero from the Quest.
No votes
E) as a ranged attack, hits undefended using Hero MP cause MP damage and if zero Hero is turned to stone and dead.
No votes
F) 3-combat-dice ranged attack, Heroes defend using MPs. If 1+ undefended skulls, victim skips his next turn.
No votes
G1) As a ranged attack, both the target and Basilisk roll combat dice equal to MPs. A Hero is petrified and can't be harmed if he fails to defend any skulls. Hero breaks on any of his turns by rolling under his starting MP score using a red die.
No votes
G2) As a ranged attack, both the target and basilisk roll combat dice equal to MPs. A Hero is petrified and can't be harmed, can't move, or take any action if the Basilisk rolls more skulls. A Hero breaks on any of his turns by rolling under his current MP score using a red die. A petrified target can attempt to free itself by rolling under its full MP value using a red die. A Petrified Hero blocks LoS and may be moved through using 3 movement points.
No votes
G3) As an attack or in place of movement, both target and Basilisk roll combat dice equal to MPs. The target is petrified and can't be harmed or take any actions if it fails to defend using black shields. A Hero can attempt to free himself once per turn by rolling under its full MP value using a red die. A petrified Hero blocks LoS but not movement.
No votes
H) As Petrify spell/ranged attack, victim can't move, attack, drink a potion, or be harmed. Break with a 6 using MP and red dice, rolling immediately or on future turns.
I) As a ranged attack without damage but petrifies target for 1 turn--lose turn but can't be affected by attacks or magic
No votes
J) As a 2-combat-dice ranged attack, Hero defends using MP or turned to stone
K1) As part of an attack, if 2+ BP damage the victim is petrified. Target can't move or take an action, defends with 8 dice and can't be affected magic or potions. Break with a black shield using dice=MP once per turn.
No votes
K2) As part of an attack, if 1+ BP damage the victim is petrified. Target can't move, take an action, or be affected by attacks, magic, or potions. Break with a black shield using dice=MP once per turn.
No votes
K3) In place of an attack or movement, a target resists by rolling 2 white shields on dice=MP. If petrified, no action, can't be affected by attacks or magic, and can't be harmed. Break by rolling under full MP value with a red die, once per turn.
No votes
L) As a spell, Hero is turned into a stone statue for a number of turns equal to the result of one red die. Hero may not move, take any action, or be harmed until the effect ends.
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Total votes : 11

HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby Daedalus » Friday September 9th, 2016 1:22am

Discussion links:

3. HQ25 - Choose your monsters + stats

HQ25 - The great TO-DO list
HQ25 Petrify Spell Card

Here's the fifth of six polls dealing with the six chosen monsters for the HQ25 Quest Pack--it's a long one. Vote once for stats (lowercase choices) and once for ability (uppercase choices.) You may change your votes. Feel free to express your views and ideas in this topic thread, as later ideas can be added in the placeholder options.

If you're not sure of the description in an entry, follow the matching-lettered discussion link of this post for a fuller explanation at the original post. The links also indicate original stat and ability matchups intended by the creator.

The Beastman, Minotaur, and Chaos Dwarf polls are still open, and a missing Kobold ability option has been swapped in.

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Re: HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby knightkrawler » Friday September 9th, 2016 7:04am

I voted a) because I don't see the Basilisk as a boss monster type*,
but rather as a serious nuisance like a wraith (that attacks mind points in my game) or the yeti with its annoying hug attack.
As special rule I chose D4 because it's a familiar mechanic used for chaos and Ogre Horde spells before
that makes sense thematically.

That being said, heroes turning to stone (meaning dying) is a nice lead-in to the next quest, where an artefact has to be found that can re-animate them.
The player(s) with the dead hero(es) have to pick a mercenary (being able to search for treasure) and play a retrieve-quest,
as easy or hard as it needs to be.
It shouldn't be able to kill all heroes. Maybe it shouldn't be able to leave a certain area of the map, like one of the "quadrants" of 5/6 rooms,
or lose this ability if it does.

I prefer fully sapient beings as bosses towards the end of a campaign,
and the basilisk shouldn't be it.
This turn-to-stone specimen should be a climax towards two thirds of the campaign, methinks (somewhere in quest 16 through 18 of 25).

*I haven't seen a miniature suited that is bigger than 1x2 squares. More like 4 to 8-ft long lizards, like a monitor, maybe.
Where have I seen the six- or eight-legged miniature? Otherworld? Reaper?
Doesn't fit the stats of b), which is leading with 2 votes at this point.
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Re: HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby GimmeYerGold » Friday September 9th, 2016 12:20pm

knightkrawler wrote:I voted a) because I don't see the Basilisk as a boss monster type*,
but rather as a serious nuisance like a wraith (that attacks mind points in my game) or the yeti with its annoying hug attack.
As special rule I chose D4 because it's a familiar mechanic used for chaos and Ogre Horde spells before
that makes sense thematically.

That being said, heroes turning to stone (meaning dying) is a nice lead-in to the next quest, where an artefact has to be found that can re-animate them.
The player(s) with the dead hero(es) have to pick a mercenary (being able to search for treasure) and play a retrieve-quest,
as easy or hard as it needs to be.
It shouldn't be able to kill all heroes. Maybe it shouldn't be able to leave a certain area of the map, like one of the "quadrants" of 5/6 rooms,
or lose this ability if it does.

I prefer fully sapient beings as bosses towards the end of a campaign,
and the basilisk shouldn't be it.
This turn-to-stone specimen should be a climax towards two thirds of the campaign, methinks (somewhere in quest 16 through 18 of 25).

Not sure if I recommended this already, but the petrifying potion effect from Quest 7: The Lost Wizard would be appropriate as well.
Maybe the Hero is "stoned" for 1d6 rounds when the spell takes effect. Taking one hero out of the battle, even if they come back again, can turn the tide in Zargon's favor, being literally petrified rather than outright dead is thematic--the player must wait and watch the battle unfold around them until they can rejoin. Just a thought :2cents:

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Re: HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby Daedalus » Friday September 9th, 2016 9:24pm

Good spot, GimmeYerGold! The potion-like ability has been added to the poll as choice L).

@ knightkrawler,
A retrieve Quest for a stone antidote is a cool idea. If a mercenary is used, I think the low Body Points may be a problem. Maybe two mercenaries for stoned Hero? Another alternative could be a structure similar to Quest 6 of RotWL, where the stoned Hero or Heroes are found and restored after the fetch Quest is underway.

Your plot placement about two-thirds in can certainly fit. I briefly reviewed the story arcs and chapters: Sotiris' arc, Sjeng's arcs, some Goblin-King chapters, Gootchute's arcs, MrBigB's chapter, arc, and chapter, Goldbearer's chapter, I would also like to see more of the Basilisk in a few other Quests, especially the Reptilian-themed Fimir-Kobold swamp arc. That chapter is currently one of the earlier ones.

I'm a fan of keeping a monster lower-powered so it can get more use our low-to-mid level Quests. I think it would be wise to have a more versatile, less lethal Basilisk that only temporarily petrifies or has a fairly-stable resist mechanic to avoid quick, unlucky deaths. We could include even more than one Basilisk if the stats are low. This can make for a few interesting, swingy battles. I voted g) and D4).

I suggest reserving the stronger 8 Body Point Basilisk that permanently petrifies a victim as a named monster in the Notes section of an even later Quest in the arc. Choices b) and D3) could work nicely. Think Shelob as compared to the Mikwood giant spiders as an analogy of potency and story value. Gorragon could either be guarding the way, one of the necessary artifacts, or perhaps it's head could be the artifact that later defeats another (final?) boss, ala Clash of the Titans. Perhaps an Aegis Shield must first be gotten to withstand such a powerful opponent, like the Spirit Blade foiled the Witch Lord.

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Re: HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby Anderas » Saturday September 10th, 2016 2:30am

What GimmeYerGold said.

I voted for that option.

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Re: HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby Anderas » Monday August 27th, 2018 3:23am

Do we talk the historical myth, a snake with the head of a chicken? :lol:

Or is our basilisk a giant snake with some added thorns? That my preferred, I have a model for that.

Or is our basilisk a giant Gecko? That's basically a lizard.

Or is our basilisk an especially small dragon?

After googling an hour, I found all of those variants, and only the first one without copyright.

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Re: HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby Daedalus » Friday August 31st, 2018 1:33am

What has been said previously on this question:

It's pretty open ended, but maybe that is okay. I'd say go with a scary reptile head-shot on this one to avoid the whole body issue. That way, people are more free to use the figure they have or choose.

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Re: HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby Daedalus » Thursday September 13th, 2018 4:46pm

A Potion of Freedom will fit in the expanded Alchemist's Shop of the Quest Pack. It may end any paralysis effect for the Hero who drinks it. I'd say a paralyzed victim could use it. If that's too much, an adjacent Hero would need to administer it, but that's more complicated.

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Re: HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby Anderas » Friday September 14th, 2018 8:55am

Anybody vetoing this symbol with a proper counterproposal?


All In One Pack Monsters --> Snake (WH's)

as said, if it passes, I would make an object.xml that introduces a new folder HQ25 and spawns a twin under the name "Basilisk" for quest designers.

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Re: HQ25 monster stats and abilities #5 the Basilisk

Postby knightkrawler » Friday September 14th, 2018 10:52am

Anderas wrote:Anybody vetoing this symbol with a proper counterproposal?


All In One Pack Monsters --> Snake (WH's)

as said, if it passes, I would make an object.xml that introduces a new folder HQ25 and spawns a twin under the name "Basilisk" for quest designers.

maybe that ice lizard thingie in the d&d board game folder would fit. more lizard, more face, less snake, less full-body. just an idea.
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