by Anderas » Wednesday October 16th, 2019 12:14pm
Spraying paint is always... difficult if I don't want to say dangerous.
Paints are made of microparticles (which makes them matte), color (which is usually toxic) and a supporting medium, acrylic, enamel, terpentine with oil or whatever (which is usually cancerous).
So if you paint with a brush... you have virtually no contact until it is hard and then there are no worries. And if you have contact, the contact is minimum. Even if you lick your brush, there is no problem because the amount involved is minuscule... I let my daughter paint what she wants, no problem.
Spraying is different. You use a lot more paint, the droplets you create are ideally mini small, say, they get roughly the size of that famously dangerous fine dust. Everything that get's in the air, will stay there for a while instead of sinking down. You're breathing it. It will paint your nose and lungs from the inside. That's not good.
Spraypainting outside is a good idea, ideally when humidity is high and there is a little bit (little! bit) of wind.
Easiest solution is: Wear a face mask! Always, when using spraypaint, use a face mask.
Second best solution is to paint varnish on with a brush, as you might accidentally destroy your inkjet print with the brush.