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[Poll] Skeletons color sheme

Tips and tricks for painting miniatures and anything else.

Wich color scheme do you prefer?

1. Blue bones with brown shades
2. Green bones with purple shades
3. Yellow bones with green shades
4. I still prefer them natural (bone white)
5. Oh... and a blue staff is weird!
Total votes : 31

[Poll] Skeletons color sheme

Postby lestodante » Saturday March 30th, 2019 7:57am

I would like to paint my HeroQuest Skeletons in a different way and to give them more color.
So I took a picture of one of the beautiful Skeletons painted by KrautScientist and reworked it with Paint Shop to find an alternative color scheme.
The idea was to give them some king of glowing effect and this three are the results I like the most.
I would like to know wich one looks better for you.
Also, one of them has a blue staff, does it look weird, because it is supposed to be made of wood?


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Re: [Poll] Skeletons color sheme

Postby Anderas » Saturday March 30th, 2019 10:35am

I like the middle one. It has kind of a magic look to it.

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Re: [Poll] Skeletons color sheme

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday March 30th, 2019 11:28am

You can make interesting bone colors by
a) painting every individual differently
b) choosing several base colors where you mix different tones into a cream color. That way you would have for example a slightly fleshy/reddish cream, a pastel olive, and a light ochre; then you wet blend these completely randomly as a basecoat and then wash and drybrush as you would, which will also give them coherence. You can have a lot of variation in the same haphazard way in the washes, too.

For a glowing/magic effect, I'm not afraid to be honest here, none of your examples look good. For a glowing effect, the color should be way crasser/more saturated, with way more contrast, and first and formost where the glow effect stems from. Do the bones themselves glow? Or do you want the effect between the ribs and in the eye sockets?
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Re: [Poll] Skeletons color sheme

Postby Maurice76 » Saturday March 30th, 2019 11:42am

I've painted my Skeletons (although it was a couple decades ago :P) in different colors. One of them has been burnt, so to speak, but in magical fire: I've used a red base and red wash, but used black as main color. My painting skills are far less than some of the people here, though :P.

I should see if I can get my Skeletons all together and take a picture.

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Re: [Poll] Skeletons color sheme

Postby KrautScientist » Saturday March 30th, 2019 2:09pm

Gah, I guess I should have actually looked at the pictures before casting my vote... ;)

Anyway, I like the middle option: what a nice, otherworldly look!

Also, cheers for the shout out! :)

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Re: [Poll] Skeletons color sheme

Postby StratosVX » Saturday March 30th, 2019 4:43pm

I doubt this is helpful in narrowing down a choice, but I prefer seeing a variety in monsters rather than painting them all the same way. With that in mind, I actually like all of them. The only thing I don't care for is the magenta/purple highlights on the middle one.

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