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Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Thursday April 5th, 2018 1:05am
by phoenixcinder
Made the mistake of going to the games workshop again.
This time looking for paint, but was smart enough not to verbally say the blasphemy "heroquest"
I got a vibe they were seriously overpriced. $20 for a tiny brush, Tiny thing of paint of one color $15 then he tried to convince me I needed to buy what looked like a can of spray paint which is supposedly some kind of primer for another $40.

Thoughts of online places that aren't gougers?

Re: Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Thursday April 5th, 2018 9:07am
by whitebeard
You should be getting the same price in the GW store which you can find in their on-line store. Paint pots are $4.25 each in the US store. The primer is $17, which is VERY high, but you will not run out for a long time. The M series brushes are $7.50 each.

I would start with primer, 2 brushes, and 8-12 paints.

I like the GW paint pots. Otherwise I would go someplace else.

Re: Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Thursday April 5th, 2018 11:17am
by knightkrawler
I wouldn't start at GW at all. There's no need to hand those people double the money others demand for the same or more quality.
I'd start with a nice paint set from Reaper Masters Series or Vallejo Model Color + Vallejo Spray Primer + Matt Varnish (Testor's Dullcote).
It's not even a debate if you're on a budget.

And if the people in the GW store really told you those prices, then they fraggled with you. Time to shut down that store owner and complain with GW by letter or something.
Whitebeard is right with the prices, but they are still too steep.
12ml = 4.25 bucks vs. 17ml = 3.50 bucks or something at Reaper.
GW brushes are also only half decent (or so I'm told). They can claim they are Kolinsky sable because they are at slightly more than 50%. A real Kolinsky sable brush is 100% Kolinsky sable hair.
GW works that way, I'm afraid. Get rid of that feeling you need them just because they are more easily available in brick and mortar stores...

Don't be told that GW paints are better for beginners or anything. It's horsecrap.
A beginner learns to use the paints he has and is not dependent from a brand choice.

Re: Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Thursday April 5th, 2018 1:15pm
by whitebeard
Totally agree with KK. I happen to like the physical design of the paint pots. I actually paint from a diluted sample on the rim of the pot, it is fast and I blend on the figure. I eased into painting and it was not a large one time investment for me. And my local shop guy was really happy to help with HeroQuest. You don't have any of this. Don't start.

Re: Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Thursday April 5th, 2018 1:38pm
by phoenixcinder
whitebeard wrote:Totally agree with KK. I happen to like the physical design of the paint pots. I actually paint from a diluted sample on the rim of the pot, it is fast and I blend on the figure. I eased into painting and it was not a large one time investment for me. And my local shop guy was really happy to help with HeroQuest. You don't have any of this. Don't start.

yeah unfortunately the shop here treats HQ players like 3rd class peasants. Learned right quick never to mention that game there again. And the guy at GW is so into himself, no matter what you say he has to one up you. I tried both the sites KK mentioned every single color I selected I kept on getting sold outs.

It shouldn't be this tedious and convoluted just to paint a handful of doors.

I am at the point of saying F*** it and just going to a normal art store and hope for the best

Re: Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Thursday April 5th, 2018 9:24pm
by Fallensaviour
I use folk art acrylics 2oz for $2 from Walmart.
For primer I use krylon primer spray can for plastic,metal and wood.white, black,grey or brown $7 at Canadian tire/Walmart.
I’ve never ever had an issue with the krylon spray primer.
Brushes I find is where you want to spend a little but not too much.
I’ve often found with brushes you get what you pay for just don’t over pay!
If you want to strip paint from plastic minis to repaint I use the simple green meathod.
What city are you in for that gw store?

Re: Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Thursday April 5th, 2018 11:08pm
by knightkrawler
phoenixcinder wrote:
whitebeard wrote:Totally agree with KK. I happen to like the physical design of the paint pots. I actually paint from a diluted sample on the rim of the pot, it is fast and I blend on the figure. I eased into painting and it was not a large one time investment for me. And my local shop guy was really happy to help with HeroQuest. You don't have any of this. Don't start.

yeah unfortunately the shop here treats HQ players like 3rd class peasants. Learned right quick never to mention that game there again. And the guy at GW is so into himself, no matter what you say he has to one up you. I tried both the sites KK mentioned every single color I selected I kept on getting sold outs.

It shouldn't be this tedious and convoluted just to paint a handful of doors.

I am at the point of saying F*** it and just going to a normal art store and hope for the best

There's all kinds of internet shops that sell Vallejo paints. They're all over the place.

Re: Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Thursday April 5th, 2018 11:34pm
by j_dean80
I'm not a painter at all, but I tried my hand at it for the Christmas exchange. I got a Reaper starter kit from Ebay and was quite pleased with the paint. My skill still needs work though...

Re: Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Friday April 6th, 2018 3:55pm
by Thor-in
I get mine off Amazon normally. I have yet to try GW's paint.

Wal-Mart has okay acrylic paint from about $.50 a bottle and up (depending on the brand Apple Barrel / Folk), that is what I started painting with. They also have some good stater brushes, I think I got then for less then $7 for a 10 pack (they didn't last long unfortunately).
Primer and Matt varnish I also use Krylon, I think I pay about $5 a can roughly (Wal-Mart).
The one hobby shop near me sells Tamiya paint, they go for about $2.49 - $3.00 a bottle. That is good paint but is really meant for an airbrush.
Micheal's has some good brushes for about $2-$3 a piece.
Hobby Lobby sells Vallejo and Testors Master Paints from about $2.99 - $3.99 I think. They sell more miniature painting supply from what I have seen.
Reaper paints are good and a little cheaper then Vallejo. If you buy enough from Reaper I have been told you can get some free stuff. (I have yet to try it but my step daughter buys from them all the time to get me Christmas presents)
Army Painter is a little bit more then Reaper, the only thing I have used is the washes. I got a 8 pack I think for about $21 off Amazon.
But normally I use Vallejo now. I get about 8 paints from $15 - $25 off Amazon depending on what paint it is. I just like that paint better.

The last GW store I went into I just about died from the prices, so I refuse to go back into one. If GW has something I want, I'll watch Evil-Bay and Amazon like a hawk till I find an acceptable price then but it.

Hope this helps even if I repeated some of what the other members have told you.

Re: Where online do you get your paint?

PostPosted: Tuesday September 4th, 2018 10:26am
by Rath of Un
I usually get my stuff at a local shop, but if I can't get it there I will use the WAR STORE. Good selection and good prices.

I have used GW Paints, but Now I stick with Army Painter war paints. I started with a basic set and have expanded my collection from there. Army Painter also has Primers that are 100% match with there War Paints that is what first drew me to use them. As I was not very good a priming when I fist started out. I could touch up the primer with the War Paint then start putting on the base colors.

Hoe this helps