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[10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Wednesday September 8th, 2021 3:34pm
by lestodante
Getting late in the year, September has come already! Time to open this up and get some great minis painted!

Reminder: COVID-19 may still delay shipping, so really try to ship them out on time.

The rules are the same as previous years.

1. People sign up here and someone collects everyone's names/addresses up via pm until the end of September.
2. Someone makes a draw so each participant has someone to send to and someone (other) to receive from. Ideally a non-participant will make the draw.
3. People paint something for their recipient, and send it by the end of November.
4. People receive their gifts in December and post pictures of them.

1. Participants have to PAINT a HeroQuest figure.
2. Participants are NOT to reveal their recipient or their sender, until everyone has received their figure. Do not ruin the spirit (it has been done before).
3. Participants are expected to commit to this. If they can't do it for certain, then they shouldn't sign up.

1. Regarding rule 1: Painting is mandatory. Conversions are very welcome but the finished result should be painted.
2. Don't feel like you have to paint something exquisite and that if you are not that good of a painter then you shouldn't join in. It's a fun thing and the level of the painted figures is irrelevant. Just give it your best shot. It's always been that way, you can read the comments of the previous exchanges.
3. If you finish your figure way earlier than the deadline, hold on to it and send it near the end of November. In any case, please DO NOT post any photo of a received figure before November 30.
4. It's customary to write your name under the base of the figure you're sending.
5. Generally people won't be able to receive from a person they already received a gift in a previous exchange.

I am in this year too. Who else will join?

:redorb: List of participants so far: (updated December 4, 2021)
1) Lestodante - shipped - received
2) ajjohnsen - shipped - received
3) Uncle_Elvis - shipped - received
4) guitarhulk - shipped - received
5) Rath of Un - shipped - received
6) j_dean80 - shipped - received
7) billdask - shipped - received
8) Spiky - shipped - received
9) Anderas - shipped - received
10) Sparkymark - shipped - received
11) bleugh (didn't answer/disappeared)
12) JBomberos (didn't answer/disappeared)

Re: [10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Wednesday September 8th, 2021 3:57pm
by ajjohnsen
I will join in again this year too

Re: [10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Wednesday September 8th, 2021 10:01pm
by Uncle_Elvis
In the words of the Fiend, "Let ME In"

Re: [10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Thursday September 9th, 2021 7:14am
by bleugh
Count me in :-)

are 3D printed minis ok?

Re: [10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Friday September 10th, 2021 8:43am
by Rath of Un
Sign me up! Let's paint some mini's

Re: [10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Friday September 10th, 2021 11:04pm
by j_dean80
I’m in. Haven’t been HeroQuesting much lately as been busy. Maybe this will help push me.

Re: [10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Sunday September 12th, 2021 10:18am
by billdask
I'm in!

Re: [10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Monday September 13th, 2021 1:00pm
by lestodante
Welcome back Billdask!!
We need more people to join... the more we are the more epic the exchange will be!

Re: [10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Saturday September 18th, 2021 9:19am
by lestodante
Just sent a PM to a bunch of users asking if they want to partecipate.
Will be very good to see someone from the earlier editions coming back this year.
Thanks in advance to anyone answering the call!

Re: [10th] Ye Olde Inn Christmas Exchange 2021

PostPosted: Sunday September 19th, 2021 6:27am
by Spiky
Sign me up! It's been a while :D