lestodante wrote:bleugh wrote:are 3D printed minis ok?
Yes, they are OK.
Anything that is related or compatible with HeroQuest minis is welcome!
With regard to new users, I have no problem in let them partecipate but I would like to introduce a "safe rule" for them: their sender will not ship their mini until the new member's recipient has received his mini.
A is the new user (registered less than 1 year on the Inn or inactive member);
B is A's recipient (old member who will receive his mini from the new member A);
C is A's Secret Santa (old member who will ship his miniature to the new member A);
D is the member handling the draw (old memeber, usually he's not partecipating in the exchange) .
So, C will prepare his mini and remains in stand-by. When B wil post something to confirm he has received his mini (from new member - A), member D who owns the list of all senders and recipients, will give a confirmation to C by PM so he can now ship his mini to A and everyone will be happy and safe!
Instead, if B will NOT receive anything unless the 1st of December, and there is no info or proof of the shipping from A, member C will receive new instructions from member D and will ship his gift to B instead of A.
To avoid too many changes or confusion, I would limit the number of the "new entries" to no more than two members per year.
We already reached this limit for this 2021 edition: bleugh and JBomberos.
Please let me know your thoughts about it.
This works for me!