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Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!
Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
cynthialee wrote:I do not begrudge a person a few bucks for their efforts.
But his product is crap and he charges too much.
agreedUncle Zargon wrote:Ok here is the scoop on casting and mould making. All hero quest miniatures are 2 piece gravity fed moulds (easy!).
Sorry, I have to disagree. Foodsave pewter is about 10-12 € per kg, when you take the time to look it up at ebay. The good thing about pewter (as opposed to resin) is that it's reuseable. You can take leftovers, or "scrap metal" like old tin cans, plates etc, and meld them down. With resin, you have to use new material. The material cost of a figure of foodsave pewter would be somewhat less than 1€. Plus, casting resin is much more difficult, and you always have some waste (with pewter, you can melt down and reuse your waste, as well as any miscast minis). Moreover, we don't need foodsave pewter. For normal gaming purposes, standard casting tin (with 10-30% of lead) is perfectly safe. Just don't place it in your mouth too long...Uncle Zargon wrote: I wouldn't do pewter because itd be way to expensive for everybody involved. The mould cost is 30-40 dollars per model in materials alone. Not to mention the absurd cost of food safe pewter.
Uncle Zargon wrote:As for expansion models I have only a couple so until I get my grub hooks on more Ill have to stick to the original game list.
Goblin-King wrote:Back to casting: Doesn't anyone perhaps have some expansion figures they would loan out temporarily to a project like this? For the greater good?
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